Free's Comments

This is listed as free, but is it really free ? Could I adopt him?  c(-‿-)

Ooooh would love to adopt if available!

doglover idk if this characterbis still available, but if they are, i'd like to be considered orz

Actually, they are not free. Sorry about that.

no problem! sorry about the confusion (^^")

It's fine. C:

Name : Ignis Adeen

Nickname/s : None.

Gender : Male.

Species : Human?

Age : 18

Birthday : July 23rd

Height : 5'7"

Weight : 139 lbs

Loves : Barbecue garlic waffle fries

Likes : Playing pranks, fighting, winning, jokes, trying new things, attempting dangerous tricks, spicy/hot foods and snacks; Especially Mexican food!

Dislikes : Studying, rainy days, sour foods or candies, being enclosed in a small space.

Hates : Secrets

Star sign : Leo

Extra : Ignis has always been rather careless in his endeavors. Always letting his curiosity and wonder lead him into trouble wherever he goes it seems. He has always seemed to attract trouble and gains alot of negative attention from his carefree and rather..vague, attitude. He tends to just blurt out his thoughts, often without considering the consequences or considering the other person's feelings. His first option he considers when coming into trouble is violence, proving his hot-headed and impulsive nature. Sometimes even being a little too dramatic, its not rare for him to blows things way out of proportion. He hates forced interactions and will often just ignore you all together if you force yourself onto him. He tends to be stubborn and intrusive. Not appreciating silence and awkward situations in the slightest. Despite all of this, if you are able to become close to Ignis and give him a chance, he can show a much more kind side of himself. He has a protective and loving nature like no other, even willing to put his life on the line. Though he may still act hard-headed still at times, he honestly cares alot for those he holds dear and close to his heart, and would do practically anything to see them happy and safe, most importantly.

He does not seem to recall any memories before his 15th birthday, other than his age and name, though often waking up from night-terrors that have a possibility of relating to his past. Usually not able to describe them vividly enough to put any pieces together. Though he wonders about his past, there is a part of him that is honestly afraid to find out. He wants to know however, to know how he first gained his fiery abilities and how to wield them even better. He doesn't get much time to practice his powers, seeing how his over-baring parents are worried he may harm someone else, or even himself..Also the possibility of burning the house down... He likes to sneak out during the evening and sometimes before or right after school to practice in a secluded area.

Although he is grateful for his foster parent's kindness in adopting him and caring for him, they've always seemed to be a little too..over-protective. Wanting to even keep him away from his uncle since he took in interest in Ignis's ability and even tries to help him learn to wield them properly instead of just when he has a temper-tantrum. They tell him its too dangerous and not normal, that he should just learn to be normal and hide his abilities from everyone but that only makes Ignis want to learn to wield them more. 

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