Kate "WF" Higgens



4 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Kate Higgens


March 11, 1997


Basic Information:

Name: Kate

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 14-21 depending on the version

Derse or Prospit?: Prospit

Fetch Modus: unknown

Strife Specibus: unknown

Weapon: heart rosary beads (okami based)

Game Entry Item: currently unknown

Sprite: unknown

Title: Mage of Heart

Active or Passive?: Borderline passive

Medium: currently unknown

Denizen: currently unknown

Human-Specific Information:

Eye Color: green and brown

Hair Color: brown

Skin Tone: mostly pale

Symbol: pink flower cat

Guardian: unknown

Other family: unknowm

Home: currently unknown

Chumhandle: whiskerFrisker

Typing style: Us3s lots of cat puns. Thinks th3y'r3 pawsitively am3owzing!

Sexuality: straight

Relationship status: single

General Appearance: refer to picture

Weight: ~225 give or take

Height: 5'6"

Notable features: brown cat ears and cat tail

Hair: partially grown bangs, grown to tailbone, kind of messy

Disabilities/Health Concerns: Has anxiety and slight depression.

Favorites(fav) and Least Favorites(Lfav):

- Color: fav green, Lst-fav bright light pink

- Music: fav Alternative, electro. Lfav rap

- Movie: fav Milo and Otis

- Clothing: hooded jackets, comfy stuff,  hats, fingerless gloves. Fluffy things.

- Prized possession(s): something Vikki gave her, something her mom gave her.

- Other likes/dislikes:

- Dislikes: Harmful conflict (emotional and physical). Watching Vikki get corrupted.

- Likes: Cats. Enjoying nature. Tuning into soul wavelengths and meditating on the astral plain. Finding new people to help. Using her heart powers for good and practice. Talking about feelings. Exploring emotions. Vikki's company.


- Tries her best to be positive. Feels genuinely upset when others are hurting, especially emotionally. Seeks out ithers she can help. Very interested in emotions and how people interact with one another. Can become obsessed with things she's interested in. Guided by her heart, but tries to learn a lot about her heart so she doesn't make irrational mistakes and hurt others.

- Biggest goal: help everyone she can.

- Greatest fear: losing everything.

- Darkest secret: doesn't remember, but has to do with her dark side.

- Regular secret: doesn't want to let others know that she can feel tired or unwelcoming.

- Greatest strength: ability to get back up after hitting rock bottom, just needs some time to recover.

- Greatest weakness: can become emotionally charged and act irrationally when pushed way too far.

- Greatest accomplishment: saving her friends.

- Biggest regret: not being more able to help

- More aggressive, assertive, or passive?: Mostly passive with a bit of push. Can become aggressive when passionate.

- Emotional or stoic?: Emotional

- Which do they trust more, their head or their heart?: More heart

- Introvert or extrovert?: somewhat Introvert


- Kate has a cat tail and ears because she accidentally fused her soul with her cat's soul. This cat had already been dead.