
5 years, 1 month ago


A main character of "the Nekolfs" (closed species of the magical hybridforms of the pure whie wolves and cats)

Reworking bIo


These are Offspring made from the two Tribes (Wolvrin and Nekorok)

While not very common, and who knew that these two could even make it possible but it had happened



While the two tribes of the Wolvrin (Wolf) and Nekorok (feline) are peaceful and have natural powers and traditions, the Nekolf offspring of them) has a combined power within.

While they can fight, unlike their parents, they have skin and fur.
The marks forming on their body is from everytime they "die" (take 7 minutes to recover and get up)- imagine like a cat and having the 9 lives in story, these Nekolfs reborn and have a mark on their body in black (like a tattoo swirl or pattern)

The "Nekolf pure" (are the ones when a pure color of both tribes get an offspring, that child is usually cursed)
Example: Wolf white and Neko white or Brown etc
The main ones that have occured (since it was a special Year, the tribes celebrated and many things had happened. Resulting in later Offspring:
The ones found with "pure" colors were later known as "cursed" while the normal Offspring had no problems at all.
The children of these were (seeing the possible colors of fur)

White - (Ivory)
Black- Ebony (Dawn)
Grey- Dusky (Silver)
Brown- Tawny (copper)
Red- Firesome

Known as the "Cursed"
The hair would usually be different from the parents, but fur would be the same. Eyes would have a deep purple (with each) and all had black scalera instead of the lovely colorful ones known to felines. It has strong emotional connections with forms (from transformation to cat, wolf or huge feral version that is uncontrollable but extremely strong. Demi god level of strong)

Nekolfs who come from the "normal" side have the stronger form later on. Connection with both magic and nature and almost "druid" like. Their appearance would be more from the parent with the stronger genes (wolf or feline), having haircolor from either and having a lovely glow. Their fur would be a "astonishing" way.
They two would have the ability to form into their huge feral side with control, strong healing powers and could use well. Seen as the "Good Nekolfs"

The known ones before the Shattering
-2 of the "good Nekolfs"
-5 of the "Cursed" Nekolfs

(and yup, meaning 7 couples had an experimental night that time)

They usually avoid crossing clans and Species as this usually brings bad luck to their home.
It  is not really controllable. While their powers are extremely strong. (Almost godlike) And have to eat a lot to remain in control.
They can't always control themselves. When stressed or weak have the feline kitty form. If emotional other way a wolf form.
When in control (eaten alot of food) their energy lets them control what they wanna be

If beast within is enraged, they transform into this huge feral form (mix of the wolf and feline) and have extremely strong power. Beware of this form!
The markings on their bodies resemble their connection with the powers. The marks glow up near Cheops (or a part of him)

Usually energetic and extremely strong, these ones usually seek fights to quiet the itch to destroy. (due to the overwhelming power that constantly flows through their body) almost like an overcharged cable or never ending power supply. Even if hungry, their state is in battle mode (and can lead to the “cursed Beast” form)