
Forgetful, Hyper, Sassy








Forgetting everything ever

Intimidating creatures

The name 'Oreo'


Species: Cat

Name: Frog

Age: Nine moons

Sexuality: She has no idea

Gender: Female (She/her)

Owner: Unknown

Height: 7.9 inches

Weight: 7.6 lbs

S.O..: N/A

Sex: Female

A big dumby, but she really cares about cats and twolegs alike, she has terrible memory, often forgetting her name, her home, other cat's names, and plenty of other things.

She tends to not put much thought into her actions unless they'll affect her seriously, she is determined, and tends to never stop doing a task until it is complete, or until she has to stop, she is caring, but finds it hard to relate to others, even if a lot of the time she tries to help them.

Frog tends to be jumpy, and literally likes to hop around, which is why she was named Frog, she has a slight stutter, but this is mainly due to the fact she tends to get sidetracked, and she has a lot of thoughts going through her head at most of the time

She is pretty hyper, and is excited, happy yet sa s sy child unless something terrible happens, she is oblivious to a lot of things, but not all She is incredibly specific as well, and rarely does she run out of adjectives to describe something

Much like Obama, she is ENFJ-T

Profile by HopelessDreamer22 and Bribrioche