Momo's Comments

is she ufo ? 

Not really no ;-;

I'm very tent with her so I'd probably only take swaps with the same designer! 

okay thats fine ! thank you <3 

if you ever do decide to take paypal offers im definitely interested:)

aaa sorry for commenting again but what whud be her worth in points/usd ? :0

Including all extra art shes around 60$-70$ in usd!

I don't take points for her sadly ;-;

aaa wat wud the lowest u wud haggle ?
wud u take art add an add on as well ? its fine if not 

Probably 50$? Even then I'm pretty attached to her atm!

I probably wouldn't take art I'm sorry aaa ;0;

ahh i can do the 50 but if ur not rlly ok w that i understand

Yeah I think I'll keep her for now since I still love using her sorry! ;0;

If I ever think I might sell her in the future though I can definitely come to you for your offer!! <33

1 Replies

hi! can i offer on her? <3
its totally fine if not !

sorry shes not up for offers! ;-;

i know i’ve asked before but she makes me 🥺🥺🥺

what currency would you accept for her? points, paypal, art, ect 

Sorry she isn't up for offers atm ;-;


She is pretty hard to let go!

Who are you offering to trade?

i can offer points, paypal, or character trades ^^

Any specific amount or characters?

not really! how much would you want them for? and feel free to look though my characters and just ask ^^

Ahh I don't see any character that interest me and I don't take money for her atm ;-;

2 Replies

she’s absolutely gorgeous ! would you be interested in trading for her? please only look in “jillian’s characters”!

Sorry she isn't for trade/sale!