


4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Caelan Royce Kazimir


18 / 23




The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus


↬ Birthday + Birthplace ↫

19th of Wyvern Moon / Small eastern suburb

↬ Height ↫

5"7 / 5"11

↬ Orientation ↫


↬ Social Class ↫

Noble; not particularly well-off


♚ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♚


↬ General ↫

Cold yet carefree. Shirks his work at every opportunity. Spends his time on things he would rather be doing -- i.e. tinkering with machines and honing his magic. only passes class due to byleth. dishonest to everyone, and is a master at maintaining his mask. 


Cynical and cold. Carries himself with poise; he seems to have found meaning. without his family around, he thrives, though in a not-so-noble way; his morals are shot, and he kills with abandon. would definitely have more bounties on his head were it not wartime. gleeful and greedy for knowledge; has ransacked a lot of nobles' private libraries, and a fair number of public ones as well. seemingly has no empathy.

↬ Normal mood ↫

Bored / Gleeful

↬ Temper ↫

quick to anger but slow to show it

↬ Discipline ↫

Absolutely authority-resistant. Disrespects those above him with a vengeance.

↬ Strengths ↫

Wicked smart, willing to do anything to get to his goals

↬ Weaknesses ↫

sadeus Thoroughly & Completely

↬ Drive/dreams ↫

power. he wants power to show his family, to show the world that he's worth something.

↬ Fears ↫

vulnerability, failure to achieve anything, being lost

↬ Likes ↫

dogs, theory, noise, practical hands-on work, mechanics

↬ Dislikes ↫

reading, busywork, driven people, people with more privilege than him, not having a project, people fucking with his things, constrictive clothing

↬ Soft spot ↫


↬ Depression ↫

reflecting on: his family, the students around him, or sadeus.

↬ Inspiration ↫

revenge & spite

↬ Habits ↫

chewing his cheek, propping his feet on the table


♚ R A T I N G S ♚


↬ Psychological strength ↫


↬ Physical strength ↫


↬ Close quarter combat ↫


↬ Distanced combat ↫


↬ Leadership ↫


↬ Wisdom ↫


↬ Intelligence ↫


↬ Confidence ↫


↬ Endurance ↫



♚ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ♚


↬ Father ↫

father was barely present except to scold and belittle him

↬ Mother ↫

mother gave him the scars across his arm

↬ Sibling(s) ↫

Three. they were all older. caelan was an accident, clearly, and they all know it. they were all given the top treatment and caelan was left to clean up after them. two of them gave him the scars across his face.

↬ Other relatives ↫

never interacted with them

↬ Enemies ↫


↬ Rivals ↫

dimitri, felix, linhardt

↬ Friends ↫

sadeus / sadeus, dimitri, linhardt

↬ Love interest ↫


↬ Pets ↫

none, but has a soft spot for the monastery dogs / co-cares for sadeus' family pet


♚ P A S S - T I M E ♚


↬ Hobbies ↫

assemble technology. is way advanced for the times.

↬ Talents ↫

learning, retaining information, magic


♚ C O M B A T ♚


↬ Weapons ↫

fists, dark magic, black magic

↬ Specialized weapon ↫


↬ Accuracy ↫

deadly accurate

↬ Power ↫

not super strong, but makes up for it with speed