Azelorius πŸ’™



4 years, 10 months ago



Name Azelorius (Azel)
Age 132 years
Gender Male
Orientation Pansexual
Race Human (demon)
Value $15.00 w/ art


Azel der Elende, was born on the 17th December 1888 in a deprived area of Berlin. Due to a complicated family background, Azel rarely ate enough, and quickly became this repelling skinny and pale young man. Despite his appearance, Azel was a nice boy, always ready to help or be of service. Therefore, he was the ideal victim for the young rascals in the neighborhood, who loved to harass him. At first, it was only insults, mockery, but as Azel did not respond, they started to jostle him, racket him, and then to beat him.

One day, they hit him so hard that he collapsed. They wanted to see him cry, beg for his life, so they hit him harder and harder, in the stomach, in the head... The ordeal lasted until the poor being was laying unconscious in his own blood, at the bottom of a dark dead end where he knew no one would come in help. That day he thought it was all over, he felt himself leaving, giving up… when suddenly, he felt a strange presence impose itself to him. The mysterious force radiated power, strength, charisma, all those virtues which he dreamed of possessing; although behind this attractive appearance, he could also feel a great darkness, burning and slowly consuming its host. At that moment he understood, the entity was offering him a choice: either he accepted his fate and perished in this dark alley alone, or else he accepted a much more enticing second start, provided of course that he agreed to pay its price, whatever it would be.

But for the first time of his life, he wasn’t afraid anymore. He took its hand, accepted the deal and hence, Azelorius was born.


Since he has accepted the deal, Azelorius lost his memory : his previous life, his family or what happened that day, no need to ask him, he does not remember anything. In addition, he gradually lost all his humanity. For instance, he struggles to maintain his human form (deprived of horns) because his yellow eyes, his black claws or his bluish tips often betray his true nature. Though wherever he goes, people are struck by his charm.

This true prince of vices only lives to grossly abuse all the sources of pleasure this world has to offer. Sex, alcohol, drugs ... the parties he organizes in his casino are memorable and much appreciated in Los Angeles, city in which he has now established himself. Moreover, themed parties enable him to hide his appearance behind a "fictional disguise", allowing him to integrate easily in the human society.

But what people doesn’t know is that besides his party animal face, he is a cold and selfish being, incapable of emotions. Sometimes he has strange flashbacks: blood, fire, voices screaming in a foreign language... These nightmares obsess him and worry him without ever being able to find an answer to them.

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