Elliot BlackHeart




Name Elliot
Called Eillot
Age 25
Gender Male
S.O. Homosexual
Height 6'1
Build Strong
Race Demon/German/Japanese
Alignment Neutral
Role Singer

Elliot BlackHeart

Demon . Singer . Sex

Elliot was born a demon, so much like his father who is also a demon, rude and an ass like him. Which made it hard for the two to get along, but his mother was a beautiful young angel who adored her son and always babyed him, letting him really doing whatever he like and letting him get away with most things. And when he said he wanted to be a singer his mother was all for it, but his father on the other hand hated this and thought he would just turn into some druggie who performs in some bar, and wouldn't allow his son to end up like this. Time passes by and Elliot grew up like an normal kid, miss behaving and going to jail once or twice as a teen, he had fun. But when he turned 18 his mother had fallen very ill and ended up bedbound, to weak to move anymore. A year passes and his mother sadly passed away, his father blaming most of her passing on him for whatever reason. So he moved away and started his long life dream of being a singer

Elliot is a very rude, loud man. He always speaks his mind and doesn't care if he hurt's others feelings, as long as he got his point across he's happy. He can be a troublesome guy, making other's life hard and a pain to work with him. he also doesn't take his career very seriously. But he's one of the best singers alive so he isn't so worried about losing everything he's got. But when the right person shows up to tame him he can be a big softie and very loveable, only towards that person, He would have a hard time showing his feelings but will always try to show he loves them.

  • Sex
  • Boba Tea
  • Anime
  • Japanese Clothing
  • Bright colors
  • Being treated like a kid
  • Being told what to do
  • Crowds

Am a motherfucking star bitch !


Filthy Pride
Heaven Knows
Everybody Loves Me
No Place Like Home
Fuck You


D.o.B. August 13th
Voice Levi Ackerman English Voice/Matthew Mercer
Flower Black lily's
Element Fire
Sin Pride
Virtue Evil and cold

HTML by lowkeywicked