Nathalie (Army of One)



Army of One

Army of One
GameFire Emblem: Three Houses
ObjectiveRout the enemy
Units AllowedByleth, Nathalie, Claude, 9 others

"Claude learns of a bandit group's plan to kidnap Nathalie, and he asks you to help rescue her."
― Opening narration


Nathalie leaves the monastery to head into town and buy meat for the cats. After she leaves, Claude receives a report from a spy that a group of bandits are planning to kidnap Nathalie and use her for ransom money. Claude fills Byleth in, and they assemble a small group to go save her.


Before Battle

Entrance Hall | Daytime
(Nathalie walks past Byleth)

  • Byleth: Where are you off to?
  • Nathalie: Prying into my business, are we, Professor? I suppose I can forgive it this time. If you really must know, I'm heading into town to buy some fish for the cats and dogs of the monastery. I go every week.
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: Do you like cats? (Nathalie support up)
      • Nathalie: Yes, I like them. There were many stray cats around my family's estate.
    • Choice 2: Do you like dogs?
      • Nathalie: Yes, I suppose I do. In all honesty, I'm more of a cat person, though.
  • Byleth: Why don't you just fish in the monastery?
  • Nathalie: You want me to feed my cats the dirty fish from the pond? The same fish that everyone else feeds them? Absolutely not. They deserve better. The dogs do, too.
  • Byleth: ...
  • Nathalie: Besides, this way I can support the local fishmonger. He's been giving me a discount ever since I saved him from a thief a while ago.
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: You're a hero.
      • Nathalie: A hero? I wouldn't go that far. It's not hard to rough up one thief.
    • Choice 2: I'm sure he appreciates your business.
      • Nathalie: I always try to pay full price, but he just shoves the extra gold back into my hand. Seriously, he's so stubbron.
  • Nathalie: Anyway, I should get going before he sells out of all the good stuff. See you around.

(Fade to black, then back to Byleth. Claude enters.)

  • Claude: Have you seen Nathalie?
  • Byleth: She went into town earlier.
  • Claude: To buy fish, I assume? That's exactly what I was afraid of.
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: What's wrong?
    • Choice 2: Do you need her for something?
  • Claude: I just got a concerning report from a spy. They said there's a group of bandits around town that have learned that Nathalie goes into town this time every week. They want to kidnap and hold her for ransom.
  • Byleth: Ransom?
  • Claude: They figured out that she's a member of this army, so apparently they think they can get a pretty penny for her. We need to assemble a small group and go help her. Are you in?
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: I'm in. (Begin Paralogue battle)
      • Claude: Good. Let's hurry.
    • Choice 2: Now's not a good time. (Return to previous screen)
      • Claude: You think she'll be fine on her own? Well, just let me know if you change your mind.


Beginning of the Battle

  • Claude: I thought I heard fighting over here. Guess I was right. It's a good thing all of the civilians have cleared out. Wait, is that Nathalie over there?

(Camera pans to Nathalie, who is surrounded by bandits. She attacks and defeats one in front of her.)

  • Nathalie: Hmph. Weak. Okay, who's next?
  • Bandit: Why is this brat so strong? I thought this would be easy money!
  • Claude: I guess I shouldn't have worried so much about her being kidnapped. Anyway, let's help her clear out the rest of the bandits.


  • Bandit: This brat sure is giving the boss some trouble! Let's get her!

Once caught up to Nathalie

  • Nathalie: What are you guys doing here?
  • Claude: We got some information that you were being targeted by a group of bandits.
  • Nathalie: Well, that must be these guys.
  • Claude: You look like you could use some help.
  • Nathalie: I had the situation under control before you got here, but now that you're here, you better start pulling your weight.
  • Claude: Good to see you, too, Nat.

Vs. Boss


  • Nathalie: Alright, buddy. Mind telling me why you attacked me?
  • Bandit: I don't have to tell you anything!


  • Claude: Thought you could just take Nat, did you? How's that working for you?
  • Bandit: Shut up! My plan hasn't failed yet!

Anyone else

  • Bandit: If we can just get the girl, we can be rich!


  • Bandit: Urgh... but... my plan...

End of battle

  • Nathalie: Anyone else coming to challenge me?
  • Claude: I think that's all of them.

After Battle

  • Nathalie: Ugh. Those bastards. None of them would tell me why they were targeting me.
  • Claude: Well, about that. According to our spy, they were trying to kidnap you so they could use you for ransom.
  • Nathalie: Why hold me for ransom? My family doesn't have a lot of money.
  • Claude: I think they were trying to get money from the army instead.
  • Nathalie: How ridiculous. Did they really think it would be so easy to kidnap me? Besides, I'd rather be killed than used for ransom.
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: Don't say that.
    • Choice 2: You'd rather die?
  • Nathalie: Any good knight should be ready to die at any time. Me, personally... I'd rather die than be used as some sort of bargaining chip. I'd lose all my dignity.
  • Claude: Or Nat being Nat... you'd just fight your way out somehow.
  • Nathalie: You know me pretty well, don't you, Claude?
  • Claude: Of course. You're my friend. They couldn't set a high enough ransom for you. All my friends are priceless.
  • Byleth: I agree.
  • Nathalie: (blushing) Can you guys not say embarrassing things like that? My teeth will rot.
  • Claude: Oh, would you look at that? She's all embarrassed.
  • Nathalie: Whatever! Let's just go back to the monastery. I'll get my fish another day.

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne