


Basic Info

Available for breedings;



Name: Rogelio | Pronouns: he/him | Age Range: preteens | Orientation: unsure/WIP

Rogelio is a sweet and rambunctious boy. He's always curious and full of energy and life. He loves to run off on his own and explore new things, but he also loves to spend time with a drag around his little brother Manolo. He loves adventure and mystery both in real life and in media. When he isn't trying to solve his own mystery or live his own adventure, he can often be found watching or reading one of the two genres. He has a particular attachment to the witch Amarok, and admires the man-- who doesn't mind watching after him much to his mother Nevara's relief as he can be difficult to keep up with on her own with as much mischief as he finds himself in sometimes. He practically idolizes Amarok, and can often be found watching Amarok with he's preparing spells, brewing potions, and attending to magical creatures-- though he tries to stay out of the way as to not cause trouble and will often bring a book with him to occupy himself during the more "boring" parts of Amarok's magics.

He only really lets his mother or Amarok refer to him as "Ro" as he thinks it sounds a little girly-- though secretly he likes that Amarok like him enough to put up with him and call him a nickname. Outside of his mother, no one else seems to like him nearly that much/"put up" with him. He tends to think others don't like him, though part of him is aware this is because of his high energy, and he does attempt to turn down his more excitable behavior around others (specifically strangers and authority figures) It does kind of bum him out that he struggles to find friends his own age-- and that does effect his self-image a little.

father is Carmen, who does take him part of the time.