


4 years, 10 months ago


  • Addermask

  • pronouns he/him
  • age 33 moons
  • rank warrior
  • species cat

Male • Windclan • Dead


Addermask is a good willed tom, he hopes that everything he does is for the greater good and that it will always come out good. More often then not there is a bad outcome he must face and he can get easily frustrated with himself over small things he can't do right, to the point of shutting out the people who care about him.

"You stole him from me!"

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In Windclan camp Adderkit was born with both of his siblings, Reedkit and Poppykit, their parents were Maplemoon and Cypressbounce, Maplemoon held Reedkit in high regard since he looked so much like her and he always did what she asked, Adderkit was seen as a middle child, he was just fine, Poppykit was seen as the runt of the family, even if she was a much bigger kit than her brothers, Maplemoon was quite strict and didn't care much for her or Adderkit but still loved them dearly. Reedkit always loved to play with Adderkit, most times they'd go off by themselves without Poppykit, this made Poppykit quite jealous, longing to hang out with them too. One morning while the clan was still sleep, Reedkit had the idea to sneak out of camp and explore what lies outside of the camp, Adderkit wasn't sure, worried they'd get caught and be in trouble so he stayed behind, Poppykit was all in, wanting Reedkit to like her so perhaps they could share the same bond that he had with Adderkit. As the two kits snuck out they discovered many beautiful things, some herbs they'd never seen, some birds chirping and rabbits scurrying off to their burrows, Reedkit lead the way as he was getting towards the border, his tail high and proud, suddenly, out of the corner of his eye Reedkit spotted a hawk, it's cry was deafening as it swooped down, talons out wide, Reedkit yowled at his sister to run as they both began dashing back to camp, the hawk went for Poppykit first, she quickly jumped out of the way before it could get her, Reedkit and Poppykit skidded to a halt suddenly, the hawk still going for Poppykit, Poppykit couldn't think of what to do, without considering anything she pushed Reedkit in the way of the hawk and it's talons squeezed him tightly, Reedkit’s scream was horrific as he was torn apart, as it flew off Reedkit's blood fell onto Poppykit, she panted, running back to camp, horrified. As Poppykit returned home Maplemoon was right at the camp entrance, furious, she asked why Reedkit and her left camp until she noticed the kit soaked in blood, she asked where Reedkit was and Poppykit told her that the hawk went for him, and she tried to help but it was too late, lying about pushing Reedkit into the hawk, Maplemoon was clearly upset but blamed Poppykit for Reedkit's death, she disregarded Poppykit as her daughter and stayed close to Adderkit, like he was a replacement of Reedkit. Cypressbounce didn't blame his daughter, he saw it as a mistake, that it couldn't have been prevented, Adderkit felt the same as his father, but he took it harder, Reedkit was his best friend, his brother, and now he was gone, Poppykit took advantage of Adder's sadness and saw it as a way to get closer to him, just like Reedkit.


Once Adderkit and Poppykit became apprentices they seemed to have moved on from the Reedkit situation a bit, later into Adderpaw's apprenticeship he noticed the leader, Molestar, introducing a bunch of new kits to Windclan, Quailkit, Nightkit and Puddlekit, as the clan meeting ended, Puddlekit ran over to Adderpaw, who was still standing near the leaders rock when everyone went back to what they were doing, she talked to him about how she wished to become leader someday, telling him that Starclan was on her side, that they would welcome her as the new leader of Windclan someday, Adderpaw commented how it was a huge responsibility and it would be a challenge, Puddlekit brushed it off and continued on about how it was her destiny until she finally ran off back to the nursey. The days continued to move on, death would come and pass, each moment Adderpaw could feel his legs becoming weak, he was told to work harder when leaf-bare rolled around, so many clanmates to care for but still so few would survive. After leaf-bare finally passed it felt like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders, he could finally fell the warmth of new-leaf and all the scents that came along with it. Maplemoon and Cypressbounce eventually moved to the elders den, it was clear Maplemoon was still bitter towards Poppypaw, even though Reedkit's death was so many moons ago.


When Adderpaw and Poppypaw finally became warriors Addermask felt more confident, like maybe he could finally show his clan he could be more than the brother of a dead kit. While Poppynose still stayed close to Addermask it was when he found out the truth that their relationship would become more distant, on a cool night in Windclan camp Poppynose was muttering to herself about Reedkit, she was still messed up about it but she felt like she was seeing him, wherever she went, she muttered how she didn't mean to kill him, that it was a mistake, that was when Addermask was behind her, about to speak to her, his eyes widened as he grew angry, leaping at his sister and asking her over and over why she did it, why she lied to him, he had never shown anger like this before, it was unheard of for him. Suddenly a she-cat by the name of Rainspot appeared, she hissed at Addermask to stop, this made Adder think, he backed up after and he sat down, apologizing for lashing out like that. Greenleaf approached and Addermask knew he'd have more work to do, he was going to his first gathering as a warrior that night, so he had to prepare, later that day he met a cat named Rillstorm, he was a kind tom who was also going to the gathering, they spoke a bit about life until Molestar called his clan to the camp entrance and they left. On arrival Addermask sat down with a few of his clanmates, even if he didn't know them too well he got close to a tom named Bumbleperch and they seemed like they could be good friends, later in the night once Riverclan's leader, Ivystar was speaking, a cat named Dandelionsong jumped up and made a rebellion against Ivystar, Addermask was shocked, Riverclan split in two that night and once the gathering was over he felt like he had witnessed the worst thing for a clan to go through. When leaf-fall came he decided to spent more time with Puddlepaw, though his encounter with her was short and odd, he still thought she was a good cat, unfortunately that was only around Addermask, around everyone else she was stuck up, rude if you will, she was sure that she'd be leader, disregarding Molestar as their current leader, It was never said but Puddlepaw had a crush on Addermask, though he did not return the feelings. It felt like the seasons were moving quickly once leaf-bare had arrived, cats in Windclan were so hungry, even when they went to hunt it was hard to find anything out in the snow. A blizzard came along, it was powerful and cats couldn't stand it anymore, many came down with colds and others died from it, a cat in their clan named Nettlepelt said he was leaving camp to look for another clanmate who had gone missing, Addermask offer to go with him, Poppynose and Rainspot followed behind. As the four traveled through the blizzard Poppynose and Nettlepelt got separated from the group, leaving Addermask and Rainspot, the she-cat turned her head to see a tree falling down, it slammed onto her leg and she yowled, crashing to the ground, Adder heard this and ran over, seeing the blood, he used his strength to push the tree and get Rainspot out, Nettlepelt found the two and nodded to Addermask, He carried Rainspot all the way back to camp. Once Addermask arrived in the medicine den he laid her down on a nest asking for a medicine cat but there were none there. So many cats were in the medicine den, including Bumbleperch, his eye was bleeding as he also needed a medicine cat, when he was hunting a rabbit had clawed his eye badly, Addermask began coughing, this blizzard had seemed to have gotten to him too. When an apprentice entered the den by the name of Featherpaw, she had wished to become a medicine cat but was stuck in the apprentice position, she quickly looked for herbs but it was too late, Bumbleperch died that day from blood loss, Adder slowly lowered his ears as the loss of another clanmate. The blizzard began to die down as the medicine cat finally came back, helping Rainspot and the others, Addermask carried his new friends body to camp, laying it near the leaders rock. Another new-leaf was here, Windclan felt defeated when all of the clan was dying before them, Addermask thought he'd cheer himself up by walking out of camp to take a look around, as he continued on he got to the Thunderclan border, he stopped and turned the other way, until he heard a voice behind him, it was a Thunderclan she-cat named Foxmistle, she seemed kind but she also seemed quite flirty towards him, he shook his head, no way would he be disloyal to his clan and even think about going across the border, she still tempted him but he'd refuse, suddenly a hawk appeared, his cry would be loud in Adder's ears as he looked up at it, he'd shake, Reedkit's death flashed in his mind, even if he wasn't there to see how Reedkit died the way Poppynose told him about it scarred him, he couldn't move a muscle, he just stood there in shock, Foxmistle leaped over the border and pushed him out of the way, the hawk grabbing her, he leaped up and tried pulling her down since the hawk was about to try and fly away with her, once they got it down Adder bit the hawk, killing it. Addermask thanked her for her help as she let him have the hawk, padding to her side of the border, she smiled, and thanked him as well, "may we meet again" Addermask meowed as he began walking back to camp with the huge hawk, unknown to him he was being watched by a Windclan apprentice, Pumpkinpaw, she saw Addermask with Foxmistle and she was sure of one thing, Adder was a traitor and he was in love with a Thunderclan she-cat. Addermask arrived back at camp, laying the hawk on the fresh kill pile, suddenly Pumpkinpaw ran into camp, "Addermask is a traitor to his clan!" Pumpkinpaw yowled out to everyone, they all looked at him as Pumpkinpaw explained what she saw, Addermask was scared and worried, he dashed out of camp, running back to the border, Foxmistle was still there, she looked at his oddly, "I don't know what to do my clan is saying I'm a traitor because I talked to you, someone saw us!" He cried to her, Foxmistle looked sadly, she turned, walking onto Windclan border, she then ran off towards Windclan camp and Addermask widened his eyes, running after her and telling her to stop. Once Foxmistle arrived in Windclan camp she yowled at the cats, telling them that Addermask was in fact not a traitor, one of the cats in Windclan walks up to Foxmistle, her name was Pearmumble, she was angry about this other clan cat being in Windclan's camp, she began to jump at her, attacking her, Addermask was outside of camp listening to everything, he shook his head, running into camp, he decided to make it look like he was trying to attack Foxmistle, so his clan wouldn't think of him as a traitor, he jumped at Foxmistle, telling her to scram, eventually whispering into her ear and telling her to run, the Thunderclan she-cat dashed off, bleeding a bit as she did. After the whole fiasco was dealt with cats seemed to look at Addermask differently, like he was a traitor, he felt guilty but he always said that he was loyal to his clan and he never really loved Foxmistle in that way, Adder would turn to Featherpaw and Nettlepelt when he would feel upset or angry, both would comfort him in his time of need. This gave Addermask so time to get to know Rainspot, they seemed like they'd never get along at first but they really connected and shared a bond that was unbreaking. Even with the help from his friends Adder had a sinking feeling, like a darkness was looming over him, it would show it's face that night at the gathering, as Windclan entered the gathering and Addermask sat beside some of his friends, he began feeling sick and tired, it was as if he could see Reedkit sitting right before him, smiling, saying his name over and over. Eventually Addermask stumbled and a Windclan cat asked if he was alright, he shook it off and though of it only as day dreaming, though there would be more to come. Time continued and Addermask would see glimpses of his dead brother, when he was eating, when he was walking, it was driving him crazy, what did he want, was this even real or is it just in his head. Addermask met up with the deputy of Windclan, Breezetuft, he told him all about what he had been seeing and while he did his heart began to burn, he told Breezetuft he wanted to go to the Moonpool to see if he could stop this and so they went that night. As they entered Adder laid down and touched his nose to the Moonpool, as he opened his eyes he saw the beauty of Starclan, his mother was there with Bumblepeach, he'd cry happily but remembering what he was there for he asked to see Reedkit, as his brother walked out, looking the same as he did when Adder last saw him as a kit, Reedkit was bitter and he asked why Adder would side with Poppynose when she's the one who killed him, all of this lead to tears flowing out of the kits eyes, Adder would explain it was an accident, that Poppynose didn't mean to, even though Adder wasn't really there when it happened. Reedkit stopped his angry and hugged his brother closely, Reedkit would ask Adder to remember him, Adder replied "I will never forget you.", and with that Adder left the Moonpool and returned to camp, he wouldn't be seeing Reedkit again for quite some time. Green-leaf brought many new kits into the clan just like any season, Addermask was feeling much better about the situations from before as he finally have the courage to ask Rainspot to be his mate, she accepted and they finally felt happy together, it turns out Puddlepaw was becoming a warrior at that time as well and received the name Puddlewish, Adder had heard about a situation that Puddlewish was in when she was an apprentice, almost being hit by a monster in the road but was saved by Wrenheart, another female apprentice at the time who was made a warrior when Puddlewish was. The two seemed to get along quite well and it seemed like they were becoming mates, Addermask was happy for Puddlewish and hoped it would work out for the both of them. Around that time a loner strolled into camp by the name Atlas, Atlas was a beautiful tom with flowing golden fur, a cat by the name of Missy would also join his side, she was unable to use her back legs so they'd just drag, Adder wasn't really into them joining but Molestar said if they prove themselves they can join the clan. Time passed and Atlas seemed to have already messed up, while he was out of camp he found Puddlewish in a rabbit hole and even when she begged for help Atlas left her there, once she found a way out and returned to camp Puddlewish was furious and tried to attack Atlas, the tom was shocked and he thought it was a joke before, in defence he clawed Puddlewish's belly, which caused her to pass out, Adder was angry at Atlas and so were the other cats in Windclan, after that Atlas ran off, followed by Wrenheart, it was said that Atlas drowned that day when Wrenheart returned back to camp with Atlas' wet body. Time passed and Maplemoon, Addermask's mother, was grabbing some prey as Poppynose walked by, Maplemoon would mumble something bitterly about Poppynose, Poppy was angry with her mother, after what she had done, after how she acted, how she pushed her own kit away, she yelled at her mother, Maplemoon argued as much as she could until she finally broke, she died from a heart attack that evening, Adder and Cypress raced to her side crying, Poppy was shocked but she slipped away afterwards, she was upset but she felt no sadness over her mother's death after the way she treated her for so long. By the time Leaf-fall was here Addermask was getting more and more worried, a cat named Spookflight was telling everyone to join his cause, that he was leaving Windclan and making his own group, many cats from Windclan left, including Puddlewish, the look on her face showed that she wanted to do this, Adder stayed behind as he watched many of his friends and family leave. This drove Windclan crazy as word spread to the other clans, cats from other clans began to join Spookflight's group and it was getting out of hand. It had been some time since Addermask spoke to Poppynose, he longed to speak to her but she was distant, he finally went to talk to her but it was brief, nothing more than a few words before they parted ways and continued on with their lives. It was a joy when Rainspot gave birth to 6 beautiful kits, Vixenkit, Foxkit, Tidekit, Rosekit, Olivekit and Doekit, He was overwhelmed with joy, he had never been a father before and he was ready to give his all to protect his kits. One thing lead to another and each one of Addermask's kits were picked off one by one, first it was Foxkit would was killed by a loner outside of camp, then it was Olivekit, who when he became an apprentice he left to join Shadowclan with a few other Windclan cats, the rest of the kits stayed but they weren't too close to Addermask, Rosekit was found out to be blind and Adder hoped she'd make it through, Rosekit became Rosewish and she was the closest to Addermask than any of the other kits were. Eventually the word spread that Spookflight was dead, the group was separated and Addermask hoped that Puddlewish was still alive, he longed to see her, he hoped she was still out there, looking for him. Addermask followed the scent of his friend Nettlepelt to find him fighting with a large white tom named Aster, he was the one who killed Foxkit. In his rage Addermask leaped out of the bushed and attacked Aster with Nettlepelt, the held him down but Nettlepelt told him to kill him, in his fury Addermask yowled "THIS IS FOR FOXKIT!" before biting into his throat and killing him, this left Adder drained and weak, but he felt good about it, he returned to camp with Nettlepelt and they told everyone what happened, Addermask needed some time to rest. A sickness broke out in Windclan and some cats became dying from it, Addermask heard of Rainspot catching the sickness and he stayed beside her with Rosewish, in the end Rainspot died from the sickness and Addermask felt like is life was coming to a close as well, what else did he have to live for, who else need him. All of the clans began to journey to find a new home after a fire destroyed all of their homes, The medicine cat apprentice, Juniperpaw, was healing some of the cats who had been injured, eventually Cypressbounce, Addermask's father was next, he was coughing a bit but Juniperpaw's herbs were a bit burnt from the fire, he fed them to him anyway and Cypress laid down to sleep, later that day when Juniperpaw went to wake him up he discovered that he had passed in his sleep from smoke inhalation, Adder finally broke down, how much more could he take before he finally broke. Moons past and Windclan had settled into their new home, Addermask wanted everything to stay calm now, he decided to take a walk by himself so he could recuperate, that's when he saw her, Puddlewish, he begged her to return to camp, Puddlewish was still bitter though, she didn't care for Windclan anymore, she said that Addermask had Poppynose but she didn't have any more family, they were all taken from her by Starclan and she wanted no part in Starlclan's business anymore. Adder continued to tell her to return, saying she had him and all of her friends, her mate, she still didn't budge and in a fit of anger she lashed out at Addermask and attacked him, clawing his face deeply, a scar that would never go away, as a reminder for the rest of his life, Addermask didn't fight, he'd jump around and he'd beg her to stop but when she pinned him there was no use talking anymore, she had made up her mind and was about to go for the kill, in this moment Addermask couldn't think, he just did it, he pushed Puddlewish up with his back legs and using is front legs he leaping into her neck and bit down hard as blood splattered everywhere, you could hear Puddlewish's screams before her throat was ripped from her, she slammed onto the ground and bled out, looking at the sky as her vision became dull and the life was drained from her body, Addermask immediately regretted it and stayed with her body until Wrenheart showed up. Wrenheart cried, seeing her dead mate and her killer with her body, she snapped at Addermask, calling him a killer and telling him to never come back again, Addermask ran back to Windclan camp and fell over, crying, Juniperpaw, the medicine cat apprentice ran over to help him and all Addermask could say was that Puddlewish was dead. As Addermask was brought into the medicine den he said that a loner came out of nowhere and killed Puddlewish and that he killed the loner, he couldn't tell them what really happened, he was too afraid of being exiled or even killed, Juniperpaw helped clean him up and Poppynose watched but didn't say too much about the situation. Leaf-bare. There was a huge shortage of prey and cats were starving, most of the food was going to the elders, kits and queens. Addermask was weak, he hadn't eaten for over a week, he wanted the food to go to cats who had so much life ahead of them, he knew there was nothing left for him, he was growing older but nowhere near becoming an elder, he just wanted to rest. Poppynose noticed his loss of appetite and begged him to eat, even when she gave him the biggest rabbit she could find Adder would turn it away, he'd yell at her to leave him alone and to stop trying anymore, he wanted everyone else to stay healthy and if that meant him feeling hungry it was worth it. Poppynose finally gave up after some time and left him like he asked, Addermask was walking into camp and he fell, he was too weak to even stand anymore, Juniperpaw brought him to the medicine den and gave him food to eat but by then it was too late, Rillstorm, Addermask's friend entered the den, the tom sat beside his dying friend, trying to comfort him as best as he could. In this moment Addermask relized that he had become the thing he always feared to become, bitter and angry, never wanting to listen, he didn't want to become him mother, but he did, he had pushed his family away until there was no one left to care for him. Adder said he would wait for Rillstorm in Starclan, but as he continued to speak he slowly closed his eyes and died, joining Starclan, as Poppynose entered the den she broke down, he couldn't be dead, no, not now, she regretted not spending time with him like she should have, she regretted it all and all she wanted was him back. Addermask finally felt at peace as he met his family again, Rainspot running over to him as well, Adder held her close as he spoke, "We are forever."



[ mate ] Rainspot is Addermask's mate, they first officially met when he saved her life from a falling tree, ever since then he always tried to keep her close but there were times they'd fight over things that Addermask never knew how to handle correctly, in the end they did stay together even in death.



[ sister ] Poppynose wasn't that close to Addermask in kithood but after Reedkit's death she took advantage of his sadness and used it to gain his trust. Once Addermask learned the true way Reedkit died he became more and more distant from his sister until the day he died.



[ brother ] Reedkit is Addermask's brother, once the oldest of the three siblings, he was the model kit, everything their mother wanted, Addermask grew very close to Reedkit in his kithood and hoped it would stay that way for the rest of their lives, but Reedkit's live was unexpectedly cut short which left Addermask hopeless.



[ mother ] In her children's kithood, Maplemoon was a kind mother who clearly cared more for Reedkit than her other children, but she still made time for Addermask and Poppynose when she could. After Reedkit's death however, she grew bitter and angry towards Poppynose, as she pulled Addermask closer and closer, using him as a replacement of Reedkit.



[ father ] Cypressbound was always a gentle and kind tom, in his younger years he used to be the kind of cat you'd want to be, the perfect tom with a spunky addittude. When he grew older and had kits with Maplemoon, he always tried to be with them, that included staying with them when Maplemoon was off getting food or water.
