FREE WTA's Comments

Id love to take her in! Small bio:

Name: Cathy
Age: 19
Job: Janitor/Outcast
Sexuality: Lesbian
Pronouns: she/her
Gender: female
About me: Ever since moving out Cathy has been working tirelessly as a Janitor. That was the only job she could get. She hates it with every fiber in her benig and hates cleaning after other people who clearly have a better job than her. Out of frustraition and anger she kills 2 people. Both of them had been mocking her day by day after walking past her. This lead her to get stuck in prison. About a month after being arrested she gets bailed out by a mysterious large man who tell her she shouldn't worry and she would be safe in his hands...

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Human hybrid of some sort (maybe demon due to the horns!)

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