


7 years, 9 months ago


grillmore an ex-D&D character whose story from that i'd like to incorporate into my own world stuff but it iS HARD he was royal assassin/mercenary..but there are no my setting..and he has a quarter of elf blood in him because y not

an alchemist and loves blowing up things and creating weird stuff and potions, it's highly frowned upon and in an already unsocial culture he is even more cast out if that's possible. the most social interaction he has is when people try to kill him. very intelligent but his logic is dumb. cooking is definitely a form of alchemy and he is a great alchemist yo.

he wants to be the very best that no one ever was and when he was younger he tried to fight someone because that's what u do but he sucks with swordplay but the guy he fought looked down on him so hard he didn't kill him he just cut off all his fingers on his dominant hand except the thumb and middle (so he's always flippin u off hEH) and spit in his face. he has an older bro who is way more badass than him nd he jealous