



Name : Thievens
Pronouns : He/Him
Age : 19
Height : 5'6
Occupation : Evil Henchman
Sexuality : Bisexual
Alignment : Chaotic neutral

Relationships :
Professor Pester (Boss, Adoptive dad)
Ruffians (Siblings)
Petula (Friends)
Arfur (Friends)
Patch (Neutral)
Dastardos (Neutral)
Gardeners (Enemies)
All other npcs (Enemies)


● Professional thief and haggler; he's always looking to make a profit even if it means getting nasty
● Made his casual mask himself, the ruffians and Pester helped make his ruffian mask
● He often steals things out of gardens and takes small pinatas. He'll hold them for a ransom and if the victim doesn't pay em off soon enough it belongs to him now
● Thievens was adopted at a young age by Professor Pester. He was found by the ruffians and they took a liking to each other. After the ruffians eventually brought him back to Pester's lair, they begged for him to stay. Pester only agreed because he thought a new kid would somehow be useful for him
● Pester was wrong of course because now Thievens is just as rowdy as the ruffians
● Of course Thievens still grew up as a bratty rebel. He pulls pranks and gets up to general mischief around the island and in the lair
● He LOVES sour macaracoons, he actually has a pet sour macaracoon named Marge. Marge may be sour but she and Thievens just get each other
● He probably growls at people
● Thievens steals stuff for Pester all the time, usually pieces of scrap metal he can find around the island
● As much as Thievens finds Pester annoying and loud he really does love him as a father. Pester tries his best to keep up his villainous persona but around Thievens and the ruffians he takes the form of a tired dad real quick
● He's horrified of some of the more bigger pinatas, he sees what they can do to Pester and he definitely doesn't want that to happen to him
● Being an angsty teen, he gets along with Petula quite well
● He also gets along with Arfur, who lets him sleep at the inn sometimes
● Him and Arfur actually have some sort of bond, Thievens will come over when Pester is being overbearing and he'll vent about it after Arfur gets him a glass of milk
● Arfur is very understanding and always seems to try to push Thievens in the right direction, but Thievens will decline say villainy is what he's best at.
● Thievens and Patch have an odd relationship. Thievens likes to scare Patch from time to time because Patch is just naturally jumpy. He never steals from Patch, he just likes to mess with him
● Patch doesn't mind him so much as he'd just wish he'd stop scaring him, he probably wants to be friends but Thievens is too busy laughing at his girly scream.
● Afraid of Dastardos, believes he's some sort of boogie man. Dastardos has nothing to do with Thievens however and leaves him be.


● Tattoos don't have to be exact!
● Tails are held onto his pants with a pin and a lime green bow
● Three toes on the slippers