Phoenix Kingston



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Phoenix Kingston

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Human

Occupation: Historian 

Height: 5'4

Weight: 127lbs

Personality: Phoenix is a high fashion man but surprisingly isnt that much of a dick? He somehow manages to avoid confrontation most of the time despite some of the things he has done, including murder! Yeah, he's a first class serial killer, what fun! Phoenix is a very rich man and dresses to fit that high class, always head to toe in designer clothes and gold. He's also technically a genius! Getting a masters degree by the age of 17, despite being high class he isnt scared of getting his hands dirty. 

Background: TBA

Likes: History, Ghosts, Murder!, Fashion, Alcohol, Sex, Gold, Archaeology. 

Dislikes: Blood (shockingly), Manual work, Video Games