Iesha (YE-shah)



8 years, 2 months ago


Name: Iesha (YE-Shah) (meaning One who is alive)


Species: Sairen

Rarity: Common

Type: Deep Sea

Special Someone: N/A

Likes: Hugging and getting hugs from her little one, Listening to the little ones giggle (tickle fest! but you see nothing! move along!), humming/singing

Dislikes: Her little one hurt or in danger, bad people, No obvious trouble "because that means there is trouble going on that i dont know about and that doesnt sit well with me."

Personality: Cool, Calm (unless her little one is in danger... then as far and as fast as you can), Collected, Protective

Background: She spends most of her time wondering the deep sea searching for the trouble that is hidden there. She considers herself as a bit of protector. She would stay in an area only so long. Long enough to search the land for her soul mate. When she would realize he wasnt there she would move on to protect another area. One day through her travels she came across a mermaid child and her pet baby seal in trouble. She didnt know how much her life was going to change. The little one didnt speak and just fallowed her around. She tried several times to protect the little one by dropping her off at merfolks who wanted to take her in. Each time the little one would sneak out and continue to fallow. After she almost got in serious trouble Iesha decided she might as well just stay with her where she could protect the little one better. Giving her the name Jada (meaning gift) she adopted her. Now they travel together as a little family <3 still protecting the sea.