$60 Celestriana (Full Profile Test)



2 years, 3 months ago


Main gallery found here: Celestriana

This is just the profile~ 

Name: Celestriana 

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Suli [Half genie/janni half human]  

Hair color: Pale green

Eye color: Tealish blue

Occupation: Shaman/Tribesman/Adventurer


Celestriana was born and raised within a human tribe, much detached from any other region and bordering a scorching desert. The young suli grew up without either parent to nurture them, but unsure of why the humans seemed to disregard her presence. She was taken care of, taught survival, but as for reading, writing, and any other higher advanced learning she did not have much learning of. She was never sure why this was so, but never truly questioned it. It was only when her tribe had chosen to move as she was out gathering food, that she began to question why they treated her as such. Celestriana attempted to track them, going deep within the bordering desert, in vain. The only gain she received from doing so was being hopelessly lost within an unforgiving climate.

Days turned to weeks, weeks into months, as she traversed the desert. Her constitution and fortitude the only thing keeping her from falling to the merciless sands. The young female, barely ten at the time, caught a break. There, in the middle of the desert, was an oasis. Afraid her eyes were playing tricks on her, but so hopeful that this was true Cele stumbled into the oasis, unaware of the alarm she had just triggered. Her eyes lit up as she noticed the pool of water in the center and she stumbled towards it, eagerly dipping her fingers into the cool water, preparing to drink.

Only then did she feel roots round around her body, entangling her. A figure shimmered into view, having previously been invisible. At first one would call this creature a human, but it was not so. Despite looking alike to one, their presence was different. More powerful than a mere human. "It is considered polite to ask before taking, human." The words confirmed the thought that this being was not a human, though in her exhausted form Cele did not care much if they were an orc. She struggled within the entanglement, only wincing as it tightened further. The figure stepped forward, placing a hand on her, only to widen his eyes at the same moment Celestriana did. Elemental energies swirled around the child, the Janni backing away as she awakened to her true heritage. "I stand corrected. You are no human, Suli" With that statement, it only brought more confusion and then questions.

Celestriana stayed with the genie for four years. In that time she learned of her race, why she had been abandoned, and how to use her abilities as a Suli to her best. The Janni did not know completely what powers she held, but he taught her what he could. She was but a young child and head meant no harm. If he could keep her on the right path he would. It was during this time that the Janni, who she had found was named Kamar, revealed himself to be a shaman. When she expressed interest in learning he had not dissuaded her and instead deepened her connection the the elements, teaching her all he could. At the end of her teachings, she picked her path and her spirit guide, and he told her to go. To make somewhere her home, and to be with others her age for there was only so much he could teach her from this point.

As upset as she was at parting, Celestrianna said her goodbyes to Kamar and went on her way, traveling in hopes of finding a place to make her own home in. One such place ended up being a tribe filled with an assortment of warriors from all places. The young Suli was surprised to see that in it, was housed a shaman of her own calling. Feeling drawn to this place, and wishing to learn more of the shaman ways, Celestriana chose this tribe to set down in for the time being and that was where she had remained for ten years after. It was in these ten years that Cele first met Kala. The kitsune was not residing in the tribe itself but still considered part of it, often showing up only to play harmless pranks on various memebers. It was inevitable that Celestriana eventually had a run-in with the kitsune when said female nabbed a headpiece that Celestriana had taken off briefly so that she could clean it. One moment it was there and the next moment the kitsune had it and was dashing away. Giving chase, Celestriana followed her into the woods, upset and angered someone would steal something so precious to her. It was only after bantering, sass, and apology (once Kala found out it was from her mentor and father like figure) did the two become friends. From then on, one had to be wary if they saw a certain kitsune sneaking around and a quietly laughing Suli watching. It always meant something was about to happen. 

Personality: -


Strengths: -

Weaknesses: -

Family: -

Sexuality: Panromantic (will flirt, cuddle, kiss, grope) Asexual (will not have sex. at all. )

Partner: A weird close bond with Kala, not really a relationship persay but they are super close and comfortable with each other. Often can be found groping each other, kissing, or flirting just to play a prank, get away, or fuck with people's head. They are the best of friends and the only one Cele would ever probably consider being with, but respects Kala's own thoughts on relationships and doesn't push past them. 

Friends/relationships: Mentioned above, Kala is her best friend, they prank often. 

Likes: -

Dislikes: -

Fears: -

Extra: -