Yuyake Hinode



4 years, 9 months ago




Hinode is a quiet art student with a knack for realism. Her quirk allows her imagination to come to life on her body in the form of the art that she draws. Her creations help and aid her, but to keep multiple beasts alive via quirk can be draining. They take pieces of her physical health/energy when they're created, so they can drain her energy really quickly if they're more powerful etc. She prefers to use smaller ones in order to do reconnaissance etc. So far she can only make animals and small inanimate objects. It takes more energy to will one of her living tattoos to become the size of it's actual counterpart, and even more to make it bigger, so she has to plan carefully.

Hinode Yuyake
Living Tattoos
Spoon (Upside-down Triangle)
UA Dormitory

Hinode is rather quiet and keeps to herself for the most part. She's kind of the epitome of the "quiet artist who sits in the back of the class and draws rather than paying attention." She's incredibly smart, and that's why she doesn't feel the need to pay attention as much. Hinode didn't have a lot of friends, but that was mostly because she didn't care to have anyone else besides herself and her tattoo creations. She didn't think they were necessary-or at least, that's what she had convinced herself. Her one thing that her mother freaked out but then simply chose to accept was the fact that she colored her hair.

When first getting to UA, she met someone who was the exact opposite quirk to her... it was... weird considering she'd never really had friends beside her creations before, but this one individual... he interrupted what she was used to and kind of dragged her into the limelight. Of course, it was kind of hard to avoid it when you were placed in the hero course, which was her dream, but slowly and slightly, she began to show more of her personality to the others around her, starting with him. Hinode is funny, and sarcastic, and she has a subtle way of joke making that allows her to catch people by surprise. She's intelligent and can think things through relaitvely well, but new experiences can fluster her. She also does a really good deadpan, not unlike that in shows like the Office or Parks and Rec.

Creative Artistic Individualistic Kind

  • animals
  • art (any form)
  • sweets
  • napping
  • cartoons
  • sour foods
  • bullies
  • botched drawings
  • villains
  • people watching her closely as she draws
  • drawing
  • painting
  • fighting (spec. hand-to-hand)
  • thinking on the fly
  • problem solving

"My living creations are a part of the safer world I plan to make--we will keep you safe!"

Hinode was born into a middle-class family. Her parents were painfully average, and her mother never really let go of that fact. When her mother had married her father, who is a local clinician, she had dreams of him becomming a high-paid doctor who would lead them to the upper-crust section of society. But her father was content in his position, and so that dream was never realized. That being said, her mother has always spent all their money on her own designer clothes, on introductions with wealthy people, anything to make her feel like she's living the life she dreamed of. Her mother never approved of her dream of becoming a hero, and would often lock her in her room whenever she drew on her arms as a child, saying that she wasn't allowed to leave her room until they were wiped off.

Her father, however, loved to promote Hinode's creativity, and always pushed her to do what her heart wanted. He is, of course, nervous about her becoming a hero, but he's happy to be there for her, and has promised to always "fix her up" after fights, thanks to his healing quirk. No one knows where her living tattoo came from--it's a quirk that is unlike anything else in either family, as her father as a small healing quirk, and her mother is quirkless...

Quirk Handling
  • ● Hinode has been drawing ever since she was a little girl. Her parents gave her paper but she preferred to draw on her body instead
  • ● Her father is really supportive of her life choices, but her mother, who often thinks of herself as a modern-day-debutant, always takes forever to convince
  • ● Hinode's real hair color is black but she bleaches it different colors and has since she was in middle school. She does it in defiance to her controlling and stuck-up mother.
  • ● She was the "quiet weird kid" in grade school. She always stuck by herself, her arms covered in paint materials. Most of her classmates didn't even know what she sounded like until secondary school.
  • ● Her quirk first appeared in kindergarden when she drew a fairly realistic cat on her arm and it stepped off of her and started purring, winding around her legs. She named him oscar and she has since bought a black cat and given it the same name.
  • ● Despite seeming fairly tolerant, Hinode can get spun up quickly--this is mostly due to her overbearing and ridiculous mother--whom she does love, she just doesn't understand why her mother doesn't try to understand her.

Luciano Luciano is as much her friend as he gets on her nerves. His quirk, Delete, is nearly the exact opposite of hers and she tends to argue with him as much as she appreciates his presence. Luciano means a lot more to her than she'd ever let on, because for once in her life, someone actually noticed her and dragged her into their mess... and she actually likes it when he does.

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profile html by Hukiolukio profile idea by BigBreaker