


4 years, 10 months ago


It’s unknown what kind of creature Kari is exactly, but one thing is certain, Zeta absolutely adores him. From his fluffy fur, to his playful personality, it’s certainly no surprise why Zeta made Kari their best friend/companion. Kari is also one of the most unique creatures in the Zeta Verse to be able to survive extreme weather changes, going from blazing hot temperatures to frigid cold ones with little to no trouble at all. On top of that, the stomach mouth is capable of consuming anything even inedible objects, much like that of the Tiger Shark. Despite that, Kari does need actual nourishment to satisfy it’s hunger. However, It’s still unknown why that is and how it’s possible, but due to Zeta’s favoritism and fierce protectiveness to her furry companion, no one could scientifically discover the reason. Thus, Kari is one of Zeta Verse’s greatest mysteries. 

  • Kari is a mostly playful and fun-loving creature that absolutely adores the affection he receives from Zeta, much like a dog towards their human.
  • He has a bad habit of biting with either mouth, the only difference is is that one mouth is less painful than the other
  • While he can adapt to extreme changes, Kari loves the cold and blends in quite well
  • He can’t necessarily speak to hold conversations, more like, he learns how to use the sounds from various words to communicate. (So far, Zeta, Ralzar, and Yumi are the only ones that understand him)
  • Kari will consume a great amount of food to satisfy his hunger daily
  • More to be added...