


young adult 🍊 they/it/any 🍊 moldy dust bunny



- Made of mold, specifically penicillium (aka "blue mold")
- loves to cook and is surprisingly a neat-freak about sanitation
- favorite foods: berries/fruit, bread, tofu, dairy/cheeses; vegetarian!
- soft-spoken and mostly minds their own business/keeps to itself
- real weirdo: probably sleeps in an old shoebox
- smells a little like rotten fruit

moodboard 🍊 playlist 🍊 creator

html source

personality, likes, dislikes

💬 earnest, kind,soft-spoken, patient, silly, emotive, indulgent, sometimes lazy

💙️ cooking, cleaning, naps, old fruit, stale bread, kitchy dishware, fluffy sweaters, blurry photographs, antique shops, mutued/earthy tones, foraging, weird old things/oddities

✖️ plastic, hazardous chamicals, super loud sounds, bullies, being submerged unexpectedly

design notes

- made of penicillium (blue mold)
- mold patterns are changing and growing constanty; design is super fluid as long as "bunny" shape is relatively retained
- tail is a pale-colored puff
- NO pawpads!
- sometimes gets little mushrooms as acne!