Muria-The Last Jewel Thief



4 years, 9 months ago




Age: 800
Favorite Food: Crystals
Gender: Female
Home World: Carboji
Species: Vernui
Occupation: Jewel Thief

Muria the last of her kind from Carboji crashed on Earth in her  500's. Earth was filled with some may gems and crystals she never found  the need to repair her ship and leave. Being known for the best Jewel  thief she kept her profession here on Earth. Muria diet can live on  stones and other precious gems the food she enjoys the most is crystal. 

On  her biggest heist she was able to obtain and Green Beryl not rare for  the type of gem but how this gem was an humanoid figure she used to hunt  back on her home planet. Barry Wight crept inside her cold heart.  Unable to sell him or eat him she keeps him around her home. Barry isn't  scary or run away so Muria never locks him up. 

Muria often has  to fight off people who are trying to take her stole goods. Making a few  enemies on her time on Earth. She is still known to all of Earth as the  Last Jewel Thief.