Etera Mahelona



4 years, 9 months ago


[for Albatross Town]

Name: Etera Mahelona

Alias/Nickname: He had a weird phase where he HATED his birth name, so told people to call him Evan. He regrets this now. It’s such a bad white boy name.

Blacksmith’s Assistant

Resident: Crow Circle

Birthday: Summer 2

Age: 34

Gender: Male, uses he/him

Height: 6’1” ft/ 185 cm

Likes: RPG Games, Trashy Novels, Ellie, Hot Weather, Fireflies, Seeing others smile, Dogs, Rain

Dislikes: Vincent (?), Cold Weather, People thinking his hair isn’t natural, Not being able to sleep, Too Much Rain, Staying in, Jewelry, Waking up late

Public Biography: Albatross’ town little helper: Etera Mahelona. Need to move something across town? Have something unusual and you don’t want to ask anyone else for help? Just need a small favor done for a low price? Just ask Etera! He doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty or taking some time off from working at the blacksmith’s just to help you out! If you can’t locate him, he says to just leave a note on his door or mail him a letter as long as you don’t need it done that day!

Appearance: What a funky little lad.

Etera insists he’s a natural redhead! (Is he though). As a pacific islander, his skin is tanned and it doesn’t help being in the sun all of the time contributes to his dark features. Across his face is a splatter of freckles, and some are more present on his shoulders and the back of his neck. He considers himself someone who’s quite handsome but he doesn’t do a lot of his looks, it’s all natural baby! Except for the fact he insists on shaving every morning because he thinks he looks bad with a bit of scruff. As for his piercings, he does have studs in his ear and some ear cuffs– but if you squint a bit closer, you can see there’s several holes of former piercings that hasn’t closed up yet. He says when he was younger he had a nose ring too but it already closed up. His hair is usually a wavy, thick mess so he opts to either put it into a bun or a short ponytail, and it reaches his shoulders otherwise.

His outfits consist of extreme casual wear, he usually likes wearing two layers of a tanktop and a shirt. His standards of fashion are kind of low, he owns some ripped jeans but dislikes wearing them because he’s a 34 year man. He sports his favorite pair of overalls, which have a stain he can’t get out at only one pant, rolls up the bottoms and sometimes has one strap unhooked. At his waist, he always has some sort of flannel tied, usually only red or green plaid only. He used to wear extremely expensive fashionable boots, but he exchanged them for an old pair he doesn’t mind getting dirty. He supposedly does have poor eyesight, because when he was a teenager, he wore contacts all of the time to look cooler.

Personality: Etera is known around town as the guy who can do anything and will do anything. Well, almost anything. Just nothing weird. Like something with truffle oil. He’s a generally friendly and upbeat dude, he likes to joke around a lot and have fun. Generally, everyone gets the same equal treatment from him, nobody seems to get any special favors or discounts from the work he does, nor gets treated unfairly because why the hell would he dislike anyone? He’s an honest guy, if he doesn’t like, he’ll tell you but he won’t be a dick about it if you need something from him.In his teen years, he used to be really into indie and RPG video games, plus trashy romance novels. He’s a little shy about revealing his interests and hobbies because he’s a more private man than people consider, but it isn’t a big secret he’s hiding from the town or anything. He tends to recommend others the books he reads and tries to find spare time to sit down and enjoy a good book! When he attempted college, he was a literature major and wanted to also make his own games someday.

Distant acquaintances consider him as someone very friendly and open, he’s just here to help and he makes that very clear! Though he knows he’s just Vincent’s yard boy even though he’s in his thirties. For those who barely know him would say he’s kind of strange, he’s always there to help people out and generally speaks his mind if something’s making him uncomfortable but there’s something about him that seems like he’s hiding something from the rest of the town.