


7 years, 9 months ago


Matthias ❝ The superstitious thirteenth apostle ❞

French name Matthias
Name meaning "Gift of God"
Gender Male (he/him)
Age 11/12 years old
Birthday May 14, 2000
MBTI ENFJ - "The Teacher"
Alignment True Neutral - "The Balanced"
Grade level Sixième (6th grade)
Music theme

❝ And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. ❞ ━ Acts 1:26


Matthias is a superstitious and pretty prideful child from the upper middle class, who is appreciated by many for his cheerfulness and sociability. He joined the Thirteen Club after that Judas left it. However, because of his late arrival, he sometimes feels like an outcast around the other members of the Club.

Thanks to his education, around adults, Matthias is rather calm and knows how to behave. Still, it doesn't mean he actually means it: indeed, he has admired the Club since its creation, and deeply approves of most of the ideas of its members. But when he first tried to join, it was too late: they were already enough members. What an opportunity it was when Judas' place became vacant! Of course, Matthias had to take it, and it's no surprise he finally managed to join. Moreover, even if his math skills are rather average, he has also taken Judas' place as the treasurer of the Club.

Matthias is also deeply superstitious, and tends to blame the first members of the Thirteen Club for choosing "such a unlucky name". According to him, all the unfortunate events that happened to the Club (and ultimately led to the disappearance of Jesus and Judas) are due to this name. Because of this, he doesn't get along with Peter, the new leader of the Club, very well. Additionally, Matthias likes to spend time outside, and can't help but always find a four-leaf clover in the grass. He has started a collection.

Matthias' biggest flaw would be his pridefulness; he is happy with everything he has, be it his social class or his overall luck, and isn't ashamed to brag about it. It's his own way to show appreciation. Sadly, he often doesn't notice that this can hurt those who aren't as lucky as him, and he has trouble to understand how toxic his behaviour can be.

Le Club des Treize/The Thirteen Club
JesusPeterAndrewJames of ZebedeeJohnPhilipBartholomewThomasMatthewJames of AlphaeusJudeSimonJudasMatthias

Saint Matthias - Wikipedia 

 Stamps by T-E-R-R-I-F-I-E-D, UsagiGami & bulletblend on DA. Moodboard by thats-mood on Tumblr. Coding by lowkeywicked.