

4 years, 9 months ago


Aka Pa'

- 42 y/o
- 189cm
- Werecat [Masai Lion]
- Lehiarian
- Male [AMAB]
- DoB
- Pansexual
- Single
- Brigadier General of the Lehiarev's army
- Warrior
- He stopped braiding his hair after his son went missing, sometimes he'll sing himself to sleep with the lullaby he used to sing to Malomo, 

+ Caring, hardworker, polite, adaptable, reliable, clever
~ Forgiving, protective
- Anxious, gloomy

Likes : His son, his parents, braids, beef jerkies, plushies, warm drinks, kiwis,
Dislikes : Bahrum

//!\\NO TW//!\\

- Born in Lehiarev, only child of two loving parents from the court. His father was an important soldier in the army of Lehiarev. He always admired his father, his courage and dedication to protect the country, so as soon as he could, he entered the army to follow his step. He had a nice childhood, with loving werelion parents who raised him well.
- Age 35, he's promoted to the rank of Brigadier General of the army, while his father has retired a few years ago. They celebrated his promotion for days and during a party with his friends, he met another were. A lioness he found himself quite fond of pretty quickly. They dated for a month before she became pregnant by accident. She didn't want to keep the child and Emene then understood she was only with him for his title. They came to an agreement ; he'd keep the child and she would go on and live with some money he'd give her. And so a few months later, she gave up on her rights about the kid and he took care of him with his parents, since he was so busy with his job.
- Years passed by and he was the happy single father of Malomo, a white werelion cub. The child was utterly adorable and Emene did evertything he could to spend his free time with his son. He taught him early on how to make braids, since the child seemed so fond of them when his father braided his own hair. Life was good, Emene took his job very seriously and did his best to protect Lehiarev from Bahrum.
- Age 39, the worst happened. His village was attacked during his free days. He called for help from the capital and the army as soon as he could but lost sight of his son during their escape because of the panicking people flooding the street. He protected the people the best he could while waiting for reinforcement, and saw another werelion in the opposite side. He tried to go and fight him but didn't have the time, as soldiers quickly arrived in the end to help him and the others fight the enemy. They didn't catch the werelion this day... neither did they find his son after the fight.
- Age 41, he searched and still is searching for his son, in hope to one day, see him again... but 3 years after the attack and 3 years spent looking for his missing son have taken a part of himself away from his heart. Clearly not as vibrant and joyful as before, he still is the Brigadier General of the army, despite a break of a few months after his son's disappearance.
Everyday he wanders by the street he last saw his son in, that was one filled with running and screaming citizens. He refuses to go to his friends's parties, stays at home during his free time when he's not mourning in the dark narrow street... and cries a lot every night.