


4 years, 8 months ago



species: alliegator with kobolt traits like light nightvishion

height: 2meters

age: 33 y.o.

voiceclaim:  ruthlessness is mercy upon yourself

pan ace


-big loud personality, a bit dumb but memacing non the less, a punk

- loves money and has little to no morals so thats probably why hes a high ranking assasin and a general criminal, that enjoys getting his arms getting red with blood

- shady as hell, but when it comes to money,     will complete it no matter what

- goes by fake names when meets new people, like orca, jeremy, even popo,   just have to be new every time

- ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselfs 

- preserving self is most priority, loyalty means nothing if you die    that got him in hot water with yakuza

- hates do gooders in his field of work   like how the fuck you be so nice and still be in this job


- uses water to attack, like an aligator, then chases on land    similiar to a polar bear