


7 years, 11 months ago


Name: Keenan - "Kelly" , "Kel" (nicknames only for friends) 

Gender: male

SO: bi

Species: human / Iberian Lynx

Height: 5'8

Occupation: Kelly is a member of a toxic gang who couldn't care less about it's members. Regardless, he joined when he had no where else to go and desperately needed any bit of support. As he is younger and not as strong as the others, Kelly manages as a lookout, spying on other groups and being the first to know if anything is happening. He has never felt much loyalty to the group, however it'll be his head to pay if anyone finds out. So for as long as he needs to, he'll act like nothing is wrong even if this at times is nothing further than the truth. 

Personality: Outwardly, Kelly is a loud mouthed, sarcastic cat who sometimes pushes a bit too much when it comes to talking back to superiors. This is the guise that he has perfected to survive around his gang and is a guise that has masked the side of him who is less keen to obey all of the rules. Although some of his exaggerated personality is true (on a watered down level), Kelly is generally a lot calmer. Although he himself is almost always worried about being caught, there is something about his voice when he speaks seriously that calms nerves and can make you feel like it'll all be alright, an air of confidence. Behind all of this, he's a curious, lighthearted guy, but that's not a side he could risk to show when everyone around him preys on the mistakes of others. 

Appearance: His hair is always unkempt and awry and he is covered in randomly placed freckles that don't have any real distinct place to be. He does not carry much on his body at any point other than his phone and a switchblade which he carries at all times... always. He's a bit roughed up with scars placed here and there, yet despite his role as a gang member, it's safe to say that its not people from outside of his gang that are the issue. 


- friends with Will although they keep this relationship on the down low to not show weakness, they do watch out for each other's backs, however and when it comes down to it will defend each other in a fight 

- secret forbidden relationship with Atlas whom he didn't know at the time of their meeting, was the brother of the other gang's leader