


4 years, 8 months ago


Full Name: Tomoko-Asha

Name Meaning: Tomoko “Wise, Intelligent” Asha “Hope”

Nickname(s): Tomoko, Ash

Gender: Female

Age: Undecided

Pride: Tomoko’s Pride

Location: Wren Ravine

Status: Founder


(+) Positive Traits: Intelligent, Creative, Hardworking

(=) Neutral Traits: Loyal, Determined, Serious

(-) Negative Traits: Touchy, Aloof, Insecure

Tomoko, not unlike everyone else, is a complex individual with multiple layers to her personality. However, uniquely (at least to the extent to which this can be applied), what you see from her often reflects what she receives from you. On the outside she is a hardworking and intelligent individual, dedicated to her cause and thus wholeheartedly determined to see it through. This includes being prepared for every contingency; its not hyperbolic to say she always has another solution in store in case the first fails to work, and that each is more creative and out-of-the-box than the last. Furthermore, to those she has taken into her care and/or trusts she is as loyal as they come. 

She directs her whole heart towards helping them, in the hope that they make use of that trust rather than abuse it. This does not mean she is naive though; she is well aware that people can and will abuse this trust, and that she needs to be careful about showing and exercising it which is what makes her come off as serious and aloof to those that don’t know her. This includes anyone she hasn’t rescued personally or welcomed to the pride, but of course everyone within the pride knows the true depth of her love: boundless and ever expanding. 

Although, she doubts any of them know the insecurity at it’s core. She’s experienced love throughout her life, that is true, but for the longest time she really was what she considered the weakest link. She was small, and frail; no matter what her family said about having survived for days on her own. She was more than willing to fight for her place, to earn it by working as hard as it took and then some, but there were always those lingering thoughts at the back of her mind wondering if she had only survived by chance. She has since grown far more confidant in herself, but those thoughts are always there, quiet but lying in wait for the chance to consume her.

General History

Life was cruel in the simplest of ways. She was the unexpected fourth cub, born too small and seemingly too fragile. Her parents were heartless, unwilling to ‘waste’ any valuable resources on her that the could be using on her siblings and so they abandoned her. Logically she should not have survived the night, but she did. In fact, it was some sort of miracle that let her survive the next few nights as well. She was a fighter even then; and fight she did until she was found by a small traveling pride who just so happened to have a nursing mother.

But they didn’t take her in by pity, no—that would be a disgrace for all of them. They knew her spirit was strong and that she, like everyone else, deserved the chance to experience life through her own eyes. So from then on they took her in as their own and cultivated in her a warrior’s spirit, a scholar’s mind, and a true lion’s heart.


Unfortunately the pride’s vagabond lifestyle was not for her, and one day she decided it was time for her to settle down. So, with a loving farewell and the promise that they would always be welcome, she stayed in the forest as they journeyed on. In all honesty, it was probably more opportunity than anything else which drove her to leave them, as she had found the perfect territory hidden right beneath their noses: Wren Ravine.