


7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Charlie Chamberlain




Nickname: Charlie
Age: 20
Gender: Male, Non-binary.
Height: 5'6
Eye Color: Blue
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Scamming, prostitution/honey pot



Charlie is 20 years old and the secondary half of the infamous scam duo, led mostly by Alistair Holt. He goes by many different aliases, depending on where they travel, but to most he is simply Charlie, nothing less and nothing more.

Despite his dainty, and soft appearance, a closer look reveals a rather distorted perception of the world, as well as questionable motives and a nasty temperament. He has never had any other job than the one he dedicates his life to alongside Alistair, nor has he any interest in finding another. He smiles a lot in public, lures people in with irresistable charm and fluttering eyelashes, but in private he is demanding and ice cold, especially if he knows you well. He has very little tolerance for fooling around, and likes things straight and to the point.

Adaptable  Impatient
Clever  Manipulative
Charming  Childish
Romantic  Possessive
Warm  Cynical



Both his parents pasts were stained with crime, and his father was notorious for his ill temper and run-ins at bars, an alcoholic at heart. He wasn't the kindest to neither Charlie nor his mother, and when Charlie was 8 years old his mother made sure to pay the man back for all the trouble he had caused them through the years. AKA, she stabbed him multiple times, and framed someone else for the murder. Charlie couldn't have cared any less.

He owes his mother for most of his knowledge and intellect, and loves her dearly. She runs her own questionable business within the city, occasionally lending a helping hand to her son when needed, but she is not fond of Alistair at all, and for that reason keeps mostly away.



Charlie and Alistair have a sort of hate-love relationship going on, he does harbor somewhat romantic feelings for the man, but his rancid, domineering personality and tendency toward violence is off-putting enough to keep any romance at bay. However; they do share a strong bond, both with similar background and motives in life.

In other, business related notes, Alistair is in a way his boss. He manages any profit or income made, and handles almost all of the planning. Charlie doesn't mind, he gets spoiled and pampered enough to make up for any imbalance in pay.