🐻Esben Brynja🐻



7 years, 10 months ago


 send me the petrichor 


Name Esben Brynja
Age 20
Allignment chaotic neutral
Gender male
Sexuality pansexual
Pronouns he / him
Role player, ecologist
species human

 design notes 
  • He can wear any clothes as long as they don't look too modern (since canonically he exists with Astrid in the late 1870s lol) but the exact era of clothing doesn't matter too much, he just wouldn't wear like Adidas
  • He has a scar over his nose and usually has his hair up in a ponytail
  • He ALWAYS wears shorts because he got dared to when he was 5 and now he stubbornly will not wear pants even though its been 15 years
  • He enjoys wearing feminine clothing as well, including corsets
  • As with all my characters, no NSFW or suggestive material of any kind!
Reference Here :)

Esben, once a vagabond and now a loyal player, often preforms for Queen Aurelia and the kingdom of Herliefr. He’s extremely knowledgeable about the kingdom and he knows the terrain so well he could journey from the fjords to the mountains to the kingdom with his eyes closed.

He is popular among both the creatures (natural and mystical) of the woods and the locals of the kingdom. He is especially interested in the ecology of the kingdom's forests and keeps a record of the creatures and plants he comes across. He is especially fond of bears and has several times tried to get one to be his friend (it doesn't work).

He is almost always cast as the funniest character in any play he is in. He is especially fond of Shakespeare and always brags about how one time he got to play Horatio and then he actually dated the player who acted as Hamlet.

He is very dramatic and emphasizes his facial expressions a lot. He is not afraid to make a scene then laugh it off.


solitary social

observant dense

logical emotional

organised messy

assertive turbulent

 physical abilities 

He acts extremly chaotic in the way he moves, causing the people he's close with to joke that he was raised by wolves. He's kinda jumpy but tries to mask it by making other people jump instead (he often runs ahead of a group, hides behind a wall or tree and pops out with a yell).

He recently learned how to do a front handspring and will not shut up about it. Can also hold a handstand longer than anyone and often walks around on his hands for funsies.


Despite his interesting upbringing, he's the only one in the group with a hint of emotional intelligence, and despite his chaotic appearance, he knows how to read a room and be calm if the situation calls for it.

The only thing he can't seem to pick up on is the fact that Astrid has a massive crush on him.


Esben has spent the majority of his life in the woods. His parents never had interest in having a house or a permanant place to stay, so they spent almost every night camped in a different place. They were both interested in nature and discovering more about the magic environment surrounding Herleifr. They are the reason he is especially curious about the ecology of the kingdom.

Unfortunately, one day as a small child he got separated from his parents, who had run off after some rare bug (they weren't bad parents, but they often put their work ahead of their child, who they assumed could take care of himself). Alone in the woods, he entertained himself for a while by chasing around squirrels and such, always careful not to run too far away, because he learned if he was lost to always stay in one spot.

As he played, he noticed a bear sleeping in the woods- and crept up on it to pet it, of course. He knew he should be scared, but he conviced himself the bear would be friendly or even magic- but it was just a normal bear, and it gave him a big ol slap in the face (which is why he has a scar on his nose).

He can get kind of intense about his obsessions, and since that day he has been especially obessed with bears. He isn't afraid of them, but he instead intensly curious about them, to his own putrefaction. He absolutely has not learned his lesson and continues to try to make friends with ever bear he comes across. His parents are nerdy and not good at social situations and mostly stay in the woods except to visit him in the kingdom.


  • He loves to sing but he's actually terrible at it. He often makes Astrid sing duets with him (they are actually good though but super modest about it).
  • In contrast to Astrid, Esben is super not modest and flaunts what he can.
  • He's extremely extraverted but when the city does get overwhelming, he always retreats to the woods. If anything ever happened to the forest he would go batshit crazy actually.

 More info! 
Aesthetic eco prep?
Sin vanity
Virtue kindness

Designer me!
Status active
Value $$$

Best friend!

Esben met Astrid in the marketplace when they attacked him with their demon powers over a ring. They seemed kind of unstable so he let them have it, but they returned it to him with a sincere apology and he realized they were actually pretty cool.

Now, Esben is one of the only people who can calm them down when the demon is let loose, although he also sometimes tends to be the reason it comes out in the first place.


have i mentioned he just loves bears

if he had one wish it would be to become a bear