


4 years, 9 months ago



run away . chaotic neutral . bisexual 

 NameMaeve Capricorn
 Age35-years old
 Height5'2 ft
 HTML Eggy


A round of drinks and a good time, are generally all she's about. Granted she knows her way around a garage, but after the day's over the bar scene's where she's at, looking for a good drink and a fight. Maeve will proudly stand her ground as she tells you exactly what she thinks of you, with the most brutal honesty imaginable. Thanks to this, most people view her as mean, and to be avoided. Those that actually get the chance to get close to her, realize she's capable of taking the piss as well as any man and usually end up enjoying her company. She's a surprising flirt, often charming her way into the pants or getting drinks out of the guys she's flirting with, it's mostly just her way of messing with the guys and seeing how far she can take it before they realize they may not be getting lucky. 

Maeve has a gypsy soul and spends a lot of time as a drifter, hating the idea of being tied to one town or person, and thus goes from one town to the next quickly. Or at least that's her excuse, in the back of her mind she knows the real reason for drifting is because she can't shake her feeling of loss and hopes to find what she lost.

When she's alone though, she's shown to be relatively introspective and ends up letting her more negative emotions eat away at her, which leads her to always look for some company and have someone to talk to. She finds the distraction to be a comfort. 


As a child, she has vague memories of growing up in some underground mine. Kept away from others of her kind due to her 'pedigree', when really it was her breeder wanting to keep her bloodline to himself to have control to create a lombax with the most attractive coats and bodies. One night, her mother was able to sneak her and her sister out, with only Maeve being the only one to escape. The following morning was met with trials and troubles and ended being found and taken to fongoid village, where she was taken care of by her foster mother. It wouldn't be long after that, that she would be taken to live with her own kind. Something that left her distraught and heartbroken. 

The rest of her life was spent with an adoptive lombax family, a pair of diplomats that wanted nothing but the best for her, but ultimately wouldn't spend time listening to her and neglecting her, only to make up for it with toys and other things they figured she wanted. As a teenager, she ran away a lot in an attempt to escape what felt like a controlled environment and finding the family she lost as a child or building one of her own. It wasn't until she escaped to the capital that things got turned upside down. It was here she met Alister Azimuth and his friend, Kaden, along with Kaden's girlfriend Amelia, to whom she took a shine. Sadly, for Alister and Maeve, their respective love interests were taken by each other, leaving the pair of them to find comfort in each other. One such night of 'comfort' resulted in their daughter, Nevina. Who, both struggled to adjust to having in their lives. After three years, not only had they adjusted well to having a daughter, things seemed to heat up again between Alister and Maeve. Only for tragedy to strike once more in the form of Tachyon's attack. It was due to this attack that not only was her family torn apart, but Maeve was left with lung damage that would cause trouble for her later, and result in her leaving Nev with her father so she wouldn't be alone or have to watch her mother die. 

No one really knows what happened to her after that and her family assumes she's dead. 


  • Teasing people 
  • Drinking 
  • Her Freedom 
  • Mornings


  • Long nights
  • Being alone 
  • ...
  • ...


  • ....
  • ...
  • ...
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She wears a bandana, that originally was meant to act as a collar. As an adult, she reclaimed it and changed what it meant. 

The three stars on her bandana are meant to represent her daughter, herself, and Alister. Though she does think of her sister and mother when looking at them.   

A lot of her design is inspired by cats like Himilayan Persians, Ragdolls, and Havana Brown cats

She cut her hair and bleached it as a form of rebellion, growing up she was always told how pretty her hair looked, and she hated it.

She's bisexual with a preference for men, there's the occasional woman she finds herself in love with.


Alister Azimuth

Friend w/ benefits 

She and Alister have an odd relationship. The two were usually at odds in the beginning, but as time went on, they soon found comfort in each other, as they watched their respective love interests fall in love with each other. After falling pregnant, they tried to make a relationship work, only for it to fall apart not long after their baby was born. But had Tachyon never attacked, she would've gladly taken him back. 



She often found his company enjoyable, though he didn't really know that as she was pretty mean to him, often making him think she hated him. It couldn't have been further from the truth, as she was really jealous that he had what she wanted, his girlfriend and her close friend, Amelia. But there would be occasions where she saught him out, mainly to escape her introspectiveness. 


Crush/Close friend

Maeve, as much as she'd never get to admit it, adored Amelia. She found her personality cute and gravitated to it. Plus it was nice to have someone to drag into her shenanigans who could always get her out. The reality of it though, she found a sense of comfort that filled a void in the young lombax, that left her feeling not so alone in the world. She regrets never telling her how she felt.