Google Plus



4 years, 8 months ago


Once a upon a time, a wonderful alicorn princess who went by the name of "Google Plus" was born from the mysterious hooves of the Internet Gods.

She entered this new realm of the internet with the special privilege of being an alicorn princess. She wasn't just any normal alicorn, in this universe she is a princess of her own kingdom.

The Internet Gods where rather excited, they forced pony citizens to move into her new kingdom to experience the joys she had to offer. Although at first the citizens where greatly annoyed by this, they soon came to enjoy the company of the other citizens around them.

    The years where passing and Google's kingdom was prospering. She ran up to all the ponies she could to deliver messages, her bell ringing happily as she flew throughout her kingdom. 

But it wasn't long before disaster struck...

    Ponies were not receiving messages and sometimes Google became unmotivated, refusing to do her duties as a princess. Google was built flawed and this annoyed a great number of citizens who simply got up and left. Others stayed because they saw through her flaws to her pure heart of compassion. The kingdom got smaller, but some citizens still remained because they enjoyed the close-knit community. 

The Internet Gods looked down upon Google's kingdom with disappointment. They hated what had become of Google Plus and how unperfect she was with sustaining her kingdom.

So, with small bit of sympathy the Internet Gods had, they warned the citizens they would be destroying the kingdom. Forever gone. The citizens mourned for days, and upon the final hours watched as the kingdom they loved slowly burned to the ground. 

Now all that remains of their beloved princess is but a silenced and a disgraced pony.