Bleam Jinsin



4 years, 10 months ago


Bleam Jinsin

Bleam Jinsin
Kanji ブリーム ジンシン
Romaji Burīmu Jinshin
Alias Arctic Fox
Race 3/4 Human, 1/4 Fox
Gender Female
Hair Color Magenta
Eye Color Cobalt Blue
Date of Birth March 10th
Age 17
Professional Status
Affiliation Fairy Tail
Guild Mark Location Left shoulder
Occupation Mage
Team Team Icy Ink
Temporary Team Team Shinobi
Partners Blotch, Lilac, Sky, Shi-shi, Blue*Star, Shiko
Base of Operations Fairy Tail
Personal Status
Status Active
Relatives Blotch (clone), Baliya Jinsin (mother), Blake Jinsin (father), Blade Jr (half brother)
Counterpart Bleam Sinjin
Magic Ice Magic
Weapons Shuriken and Kunai
Japanese Voice TBA
English Voice TBA
Image Gallery

"You can take my heart, you can take my breath, when you pry it from my cold dead chest!"

— Bleam

Bleam Jinsin is a Mage of Fairy Tail, and a member of Team Icy Ink. She is originally from another world, but resides in this one after abandoning her old life.


Bleam is a young woman with long, magenta hair that's worn up in a ponytail. She has cobalt blue eyes, one of which is covered by her bangs. She has a curvy but toned figure that comes from her years of ninja training. She wears a purple and burgundy lace up sleeveless shirt with black shorts, blue and purple sleeves, and blue ninja sandals. Her Fairy Tail stamp is sky blue and is located on her left shoulder. Bleam has fox DNA, which causes her to have slightly slitted eyes and fangs.


Bleam is a shy but friendly girl with a small mischevious side. She loves to make friends but often has trouble approaching people. She's very trusting, and will warm up to anyone who shows her the slightest bit of kindness. She also is very easily infatuated and has a bad habit of crushing on people that she can't have.

However, Bleam's bubbly outward appearance is mainly a facade. She is severely depressed and fights a lot of mental and emotional battles every single day. It was a bit obvious at first, despite her trying her hardest to hide this from others, but after joining Fairy Tail and finding a new purpose in life, she's gotten a lot better. She still cries a lot, though. Espcially with the demons of her past literally coming back to haunt her.


Bleam is originally from the Puff universe, and came to this one by accident after abandoning her old life. When she arrived in Magnolia, she was jumped by a gang of thieves. She did a pretty decent job of defending herself, but was eventually overpowered due to confusion on how to use her powers in this new universe. She didn't have anything the thieves wanted, so they just left her wherever she was. Natsu happened to be coming back from a mission, and saw her laying there barely conscious. He brought her to fairy tail to get patched up, and she eventually joined the guild. Despite living in a completely new universe, parts of her past keep literally coming back to haunt her.



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[Synopsis of the plot here~]


[Synopsis of the plot here~]


[Synopsis of the plot here~]

Magic and Abilities

Ice Make (氷の造形魔法 Aisu Meiku): Bleam's main form of magic is Ice Magic, specifically Ice Make. Due to her previous Ice training, she is good enough at using Ice Magic that she can do it quickly and without calling out it's name. However, she is better at making ice structures than objects, so she trains under Gray.

Sound Magic: Though Bleam can't freely use it, she has an affinity for Sound Magic, due to her mothers sound powers. Bleam's only offensive attack with it is a Sonic Scream. It has given her an amazing singing voice and impressive music talent, however.

Enhanced Speed: Bleam's ninja training has given her enhanced speed, which allows her to end her battles and move around fairly quickly.

Enhanced Senses: Bleam's fox DNA has given her animal-like senses. Since she's only a small part fox, her senses are limited to enhanced smell and night vision. Though they're strong senses, they're not as strong as a dragon slayers.


Ninja Weapons: Bleam carries Kunai and Shuriken in her sleeves to use in a pinch.


See Also: [OC Name]/Relationships


  • Bleam can speak English, Japanese, and Korean.
  • []

Profile by Erandia
Edited by bossusaurus