Wueyah Fantai



8 years, 2 months ago


Your name is WUEYAH FANTAI and you are a NAIVE LITTLE SHIT. Not surprising, though, because due to a TRAUMATIC INCIDENT where you almost got killed, your flydragon Lusus FLIPPED HER SHIT and forced you to STAY IN YOUR HIVE. She doesn’t even allow you to hunt for yourself, she DOES IT FOR YOU. 

But that’s what happens when you were chosen with a lusii that is naturally overprotective of their young. She would have been that way anyway, but no, you had to let your CURIOSITY get the best of you and WANDER AROUND THE ALTERNEAN OCEANS where you met a SEADWELLER one sweep older than you who let you go after beating the shit out of you because he thought you were too fun to kill. Five sweeps later and he becomes your KISMESIS after sneaking out and basically DOING EXACT THE SAME THING YOU DID AT ONE SWEEP OLD. God you’re an IDIOT. You often spend your time with him by TEASING AND POKING FUN AT HIM and occasionally SPAR with him which made you PRETTY GOOD at your WRISTBLADES that were made from your Lusii’s MOLTED TUSKS. 3ωω.

You have a variety of different DRAWINGS all over your walls that you’ve made over the sweeps. You love to draw adventures you form in your head even though you AREN’T REALLY GOOD AT DRAWING which also makes your fetch modus annoying at times. Sometimes you’ll get so excited about drawing them you ACT THEM OUT, making you look like a BIGGER WEIRDO than you already are because you’re doing it ALL BY YOURSELF. You also have a guilty pleasure of watching shows meant for REALLY YOUNG TROLLS but you don’t give a shit because they’re cute and you fucking LOVE CUTE THINGS.

Your trolltag is greatTermination and ωhat th3 h3ll ar3 yΩu 3v3n dΩing.

What will you do?


Name: Wueyah Fantai

Name Origin:

  • Wueyah = based off of the literal spelling of the word “omega” in greek: ωμέγα, plus an added H to fit the 6 character limit.
  • Fantai = Based off of her big imagination and the fantasy world she draws.

Gender: Female

Trollhandle: greatTermination

Age: 9 sweeps/19 years

Wriggling Day: December 28

Hostility: Harmless

Blood Color: Sangria (hex: #A00000)

Personality: Cheerful, sensitive, anxious, very bashful, naive, and a little bit dumb.

Powers: Telekinetic psiionics. Capable of minor telepathy.

Typing Quirk:

  • E/e = 3
  • W/w = ω
  • O/o = Ω
  • Perfect syntax.
  • May speak in run-on sentences if nervous or scared.

Lusus: A six foot raptor-dragonfly monstrosity. [Pic] (DED)

Strife Specibus/Powers:

  • Bladekind, retractable wristblades each shaped like one half of the omega symbol. 
  • Very powerful psiionics when angry, although it risks her physical health to the point of near death if pushed too far. Only used as a last resort.

Fetch Modus: Pictionary Modus - an easy enough modus, but since she isn’t a very good artist some items can be hard for her to draw.

Hemoloyalty: Will respect all trolls regardless of blood color, but tends to be shy/nervous around most midbloods, highbloods, and especially seadwellers, so basically the higher the blood the more respectful and formal she will try to be. She knows her place and though she has a huge opinion on certain things such as slaves and hemoism, she’d rather keep her mouth shut. 

AncestorThe Mindless

Dancestor: Claire Fantai

Title: TBA