


4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info








5'3" (Human form), 6'7"(True form)




Half Insepti / Half Orc


Note: Bonnie is a species called "Insepti" that was made by myself.

Personality: Bonnie is a very sociable person, loving to interact with others as well as meet new people; Loving to learn about them, the things they like, etc. She can often be considered gullible, but it’s only because of her lack of understanding in human customs.

Hobbies/Interests: Physical training, swimming, sweets(candies and pastries), shopping, going out to eat(with friends), etc.

Abilities: Half Insepti, Bonnie maintains the ability to transform into other species that she's seen in person among other small abilities Insepti have. Physically strong because of being half orc as well as physical training.

Bio: Bonnie’s life has been a mostly very happy one; She's allowed a lot more freedom than many as most of her people are. Her people are also some of the most trusted in the parts of the universe that are aware of them due to their caring and helpful ways. She's spent most of her life on her home planet, Inseptili; Periodically traveling elsewhere to see new places, revisiting them to visit new found friends she made during her travels.

Bonnie, while on Inseptili, was a form of law enforcement that often didn't actually get sent out to crime scenes solely due to the severe lack of crime on her planet. However, there was one incident in particular that she'd been sent to get involved in. A male in his late teens by the name Pomona was being held hostage by their own father after the man murdered his wife. They managed to rescue Pomona though it was found that the man and his wife had been abusing him both physically and mentally for years, leading to him having to go through many years of therapy. Two years later, the both of them ran into each other and they became friends; It being no surprise that he felt safe around her as she was the one to rescue him from such a horrible situation. Though Pomona eventually left, trying to 'find himself,' as he told her. All she hopes is that he finds what he's looking for - though they do still remain in contact.