Edith Moore



4 years, 10 months ago



-Full Name: A series of clicks and growls able to easily strike fear into the heart of any human

-Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Edith Moore

-Age: Not sure of exact age, was born in the 800’s, so around 1200 years old

-Gender: Female

-Species: Leviathan

-Birth date: She has no clue. Sometime in the winter. (January 5th).


-Goal: To silence the noise and get back to her lighthouse and to the sea.

-Personality: Edith is a woman who keeps to herself. She rarely leaves the lighthouse, not even to get groceries (as she usually just eats whales), which makes her a bit of a mystery to the town around her. She prefers being by herself, reading, or knitting, or painting. She does, however, occasionally find someone that she likes the company of, and would do anything for that person, and is loyal to them to the end. She feels deeply betrayed if any of her chosen people ever upsets her. Edith is a creative person, and often broods around her lighthouse, gathering inspiration from the way the light streams in, or the roar of the ocean. She isn’t friendly in any way whatsoever, and she hates small talk, but she’s curious about people, which sometimes results in her actually interacting with people around her, despite her general grumpiness about it. She has a specific routine, and a place she feels comfortable, and she hates when it’s interrupted-- like it is now. 

-Likes: Knitting, painting, reading, being mysterious, being at home, the roar of the ocean, the ocean in general, cats, good hot coffee in the morning

-Dislikes: Being displaced, being landlocked, the loud noises, dogs (they make her nervous), dry conditions, the heat

-Hobbies: Knitting, painting (mostly landscapes and impressionist stuff), reading, taking care of her cat, being mysterious.

-Fears: Dogs, losing her lighthouse

-Mental Weaknesses/Flaws: Uncomfortable when she’s away from home, bad at talking to people

-Mental Strengths: Creative, very determined and deliberate when working towards her goal

-Quirks: Often wears the same old yellow coat, oil treated, which might be 20 years old. She tends to get overwhelmed easily and feel the need to get away from the action. She fidgets a lot, with loose threads in her clothes or by biting her nails.

-Special/Significant Belongings: Her old yellow rain jacket, an ancient silver locket that contains a picture of her wife. A silver wedding band.


-Height: 5’10”

-Hair Color: Black

-Eye Color: Yellow

-Skin Color: Ruddy tan

-Body Type: Built for heavy labor-- chubby and buff

-Jewelry: Has stud earrings and the previously mentioned locket and ring.

-Piercings/Tattoos: Her ears are pierced, and she has a tattoo on her upper left arm that says “What cannot be said will be wept”

-Scars/Distinguishing Marks: Her right eye is missing. She has hundreds of small scars on her body, from ancient battles and accidents, too many to count and remember.

-Clothing: Dresses mostly practically. She wears some sweaters she knits herself, many of them being thick and cable-knit. She dresses like anyone who works by the sea, with waterproof, warm clothes.

-Any physical disabilities/diseases/ailments/etc.: Right eye is missing.


-Sexuality: Lesbian

-Lover: Clara Moore, deceased

-Love Interest: N/A

-Friends/Allies: Her cat, Pretty

-Rivals/Enemies: N/A

-Parents: Leviathans of similar names to hers

-Parent’s Statuses: Who knows? She has barely entered the ocean in the past few centuries

-Sibling(s): None known

-Sibling Status(es): N/A

-Any other important family: N/A

-Pets: Pretty, a scrappy grey cat with the loudest purr.


-Nationality: Most people guess she’s from some part of the Mediterranean

-Birthplace: The Mediterranean itself

-Current Home: A lighthouse on the coast of Maine

-Native Language: Leviathan

-Languages Spoken: English, Greek (but a very old dialect), Italian (again, a very old dialect)

-Accent: At this point, it’s a Maine accent. Yes there is a Maine accent.

-Job/Profession: Maintains a lighthouse

-Talents: Talented at knitting, decent at painting, good at tying knots, driving a boat, driving a car, grumbling at people until they go away


-Skills/Techniques: Bite people with her massive mouth of teeth. Or punch people with her fists. Or stab people with her swiss army knife. Or shoot them. She doesn’t get into fights often.

-Weapon(s) of Choice: Swiss army knife (which is more practical than a weapon) and a shotgun (which she mostly uses for hunting, when she needs to supplement her diet).

-Weaknesses: Not really good at fighting, since she keeps to herself and rarely needs to actually fight. 

-Strengths: She does a lot of tough manual labor so she’s pretty strong. Buff lady. She’s also pretty tall.


-Power(s)/Special Abilities: Being massive and terrifying

-Physical Age: Mid-40s, maybe 45-46

-Race-Defining Traits: She has blue scales and green/yellow eyes.

-Age & Date of Death (if any): N/A

-True Form Description (optional): big monster!


Edith was born in the Mediterranean, which was something of a kiddie pool when it came to young leviathans. There were a couple other leviathans that she met, but it felt too small for her as she grew larger. However, she discovered that the humans who hung around were very interesting. She often spent her time on land, talking to the people who took their boats across the sea, tasting strange foods like fruit and vegetables, and learning more about humans. However, she felt pressured by the other leviathans into acting a little less interested in the people, so she left. She discovered there were not as many of her kind by the coast of America, so she crossed that ocean in the 1700s. She remained there for a hundred years. She occasionally hunted humans, including some from a ship who killed one of the other leviathans she was friendly with, but usually stuck with sea animals.

At some point, in the 1800s, she was attacked by another, larger leviathan, one that was hungry and angry and took it out on her. She fled, having lost an eye, and realized that if she wasn’t careful, she would bleed out. So she put on her glamour, and let herself get washed up on shore. She knew, from her previous research, that humans were sometimes kind, and often knew things about bandaging wounds. She blacked out on a cold beach in the morning light. She was found by Clara Moore. Clara was a widow who owned the lighthouse by the beach she’d washed up on, and brought her inside to stitch up her wounds. Clara knew that Edith wasn’t human, on account of her black blood, but she kept her anyway.

As Edith healed, staying with Clara, she learned some things about human society again. She learned what clothes she was supposed to wear. She was given a name, Edith, for Clara’s sake. She became curious about Clara’s paintings and knitting and reading, and asked her to teach her how to do all those things.

Slowly, Clara and Edith became closer, and even after Edith’s wounds were closed, she remained in the old lighthouse. She learned to do all the wonderful things Clara could do. However, one night when they spoke, Clara told Edith how her husband died-- boat destroyed by a terrifying beast of the sea. And Edith realized she had to tell her what she was.

One morning, Edith woke Clara up. She brought her on a little sailboat into the sea, then leapt into the water and let go of her glamour. For a moment, Clara was scared. Then, she laughed. 

“Why?” Edith asked, once she had made it back onto the boat, hair dripping wet.

“I can’t believe how beautiful you are,” said Clara.

Edith and Clara stayed together in that lighthouse. Clara grew older, and Edith changed her glamour in order to match Clara’s appearance, putting silver in her hair every morning. Once, she told Clara she would not die, she would keep on living, and she expressed her concern that there would be no reason to after Clara died. Clara simply said that she needed her to care for the lighthouse.

One day, they had a little ceremony of marriage. No one came, but they gave each other silver bands. Edith took Clara’s surname, Moore.

Clara died of old age, and Edith buried her by the lighthouse, and swore to care for it, as she does now. While she once went into town with Clara regularly, she rarely goes out now, because she doesn’t need it. However, she travels now to silence the noises that disrupted her peaceful existence. She hopes to return home as soon as possible.