Speck (Borealen species:)



3 years, 9 months ago



- They have no genders, but can still use human binary pronouns like She, He, They. Some have been known to use "It" pronouns. But only very rarely.

- They reproduce asexually, and can do it in an instant if they need. Just...poof!

- The ear that is colored is their primary ear! Like being right handed, but it's right eared! There's no majority for which ear is colored, it's always 50/50.

- They can vibrate like a cat,,, but it's not purring, it's just vibrating.

- Their blood colors are always the color of the highlight they were born as! It also is bioluminescence and could light up a room! This also goes for their highlighted markings as well.

- The eye that is colored can see in the dark... Awesome.

- Borealens tend to have issues with the uncolored eye and can be found with prescription monocles more often than glasses!

- They have some sort of family but not real parents. They are never babies, when they reproduce they split in half and shrink equally in size. They're both exactly as intelligent as each other but sometimes they'll have different colors or markings. Families are defined by personalities. Everyone with the same genes will act the same. So if a really excitable Borealen splits and has their clone/child then the clone/child will be highly excitable as well. The only rule to the genes is that the child can only be one of the four colors their parent has. (if the parent is born red, the child can be born as primarily red, orange yellow, OR green. Nothing else!)