[GW2] Roseate Dal



4 years, 10 months ago


Roseate Dal

This rose has thorns and here they are!

  • Age: [8 months]

  • Height: [4'4"]

  • Gender: [male]

  • Race: [sylvari]

  • Profession: [guardian]

  • Specialization: [firebrand]

  • Order: [priory]

  • Weapons: [hammer-axe/shield]

  • Theme:

Giggly Sweet Chatty Protective


  • Lowkey forged his way into the Pact. Commander insisted a 'no Sylvari under one year of age' rule, for his sake. Rose was only 7 when he signed up from the Priory.

  • His mount, a Sand Jackal, was a gift the Commander sent to the priory from Elona- two pups for them to study and raise. He ended up being given one as an assignment.
  • His mounts name is Peanut Butter, or PB.
  • One of his branches is cut off, at the back, close to his neck. It's only a few inches short, and he's kind of sensitive about it.
  • Already has an ex. Refuses to talk about it. Doesn't trust Asura easily.
  • Blooms constantly. You can't find him without him being covered in flowers.


  • Actually fascinated by magic in all forms. He studies a lot of different professions magics when he's got the time.
  • Swords. He'd love to learn to use one, but his profession is a little more suited to a hardier weapon.
  • Afraid of Skritt. He's afraid of mice and rats and skritt scare him. They're like giant, talking rats. Spooky.
  • He's also scared of going to the medic, but you didn't hear that from him.


Roseate Dal is a Priory Scholar and a very, very fresh Sylvari. He's only about 8 months old at the start of the Icebrood Saga, and is only just now reaching a year. He's extremely eager and perky, he adores learning and knows everything there is to know about the Elder Dragons. He's got an incredibly important Wyld Hunt, but very few people believe him. It's kind of silly to think some little saplings Wyld Hunt is to protect and save the Commander. The Commander can handle himself, obviously.

Icebrood Saga Spoilers

Roseate had already been planning to go with the Commander to Bjora Marches, so he was already there when the Commander finally portaled in with his other chosen companions- a truly ancient Gladia Charr, and a Nightmare Courtier. And Rose swore he knew this Courtier. He knows he does. He thinks he saw Nelaime in his dream. And he knows Nelaime is important- for protecting the Commander, or some other reason. Either way, Rose is fascinated, and maybe he pokes a little more than he should.





Have to keep him safe!

Scary, kinda hot.

I know him, I know I do. He's important.