Rowen McGellan



5 years, 1 month ago


Rowen McGellan is a science experiment involving genetics.

Rowen himself is an egotistical asshole, who seems to be invested in anything if it were to benefit him in any way shape or form. He tends to come off as thinking he is the king of the world, just one slip-up away from a reality check...but for the most part, he is controlled by his own fears. He hates feeling lonely, as well as seeming weak in the eyes of the very organization that made him possible. He also hates the idea of not being worthwhile, and from his experiences, he got more reactions when he was a jerk, so that's the direction he took, even if it is proving detrimental to him.

Unlike many of the other subject in Project:ESC, Rowen was born in the lab, as a test tube baby. So to him, his mutations were normal, as he lived with them all his life, This made interacting with the other test subjects difficult, as they were more abducted and experimented on. Whenever he would try to possibly interact with them, he was ignored at best and bullied at worst, as the kids didn't want anything to do with "a child of the government". This caused him to become desperate for attention from the scientists, doing whatever he was told for that little positive reinforcement. He also misbehaved a lot around the kids, as to him it seemed like the one way he could get them to pay attention to him. He was well on the way of becoming a perfect soldier...until recently, where a teenage girl tried to actually give him that attention he was so starved of. He was unsure how to cope with this, but for once he felt loved and appreciated for more than his physical capabilities. She helped him greatly in his attention seeking problem, but unfortunately, in the scientists' eyes this was not good, as she was tainting their soldier with emotions. So, she was moved to another block, in hopes they'd stop this nonsense.

Unfortunately, he had already started developing feelings for this girl, and being separated only made those feelings stronger. He found ways to see this girl, often sneaking her and himself out of the bunker to experience the world. Some speculation says they even became sexually active with each other, but there is little evidence to back this up. Nonetheless, at some point they were caught, and least to say the scientists were pissed. They worked so hard to make this soldier, just so this girl could taint him? They were not having any of that. Later, she was discovered dead in her room, from what the scientists claim was suicide, but it is unclear.

This, unfortunately, sent Rowen down into a downward spiral of insanity and grief, as the one person he felt actually cared about him was gone. The breaking point was when he tried to clay his own eye out, an eye he grew to hate, as it was a reminder to him that the one he loved was gone. He had to be placed on 24/7 surveillance to make sure he didn't end his life. At some point it got into his head that if he were to get intimate with someone again, they would certainly die. To combat this, he fell into some of his old habits and became a jackass to everyone around him, pushing everyone away while still holding to that craving for attention.


  • Flight: The great thing about having 4 wings is you will certainly be flying, even if one of them is damaged!
  • Hooked Tail: His tail can grab and cling much better than an average tail.
  • Long claws: Perfect for scratching!
  • Beast Eye: The one ability of his he despises, his beast eye (his left eye), when open, increases strength and speed, while making his more animal-like.



  • If someone were to flirt with him, he would get really flustered.
  • Technically, he hasn't really moved on past this girl's death. It still plagues him to this day
  • Very capable of doing good things, but will only really do so if he can gain something from it, whenever that would be a favor or getting his name on the morning paper.
  • Apathetic to other test subjects, as they almost never acknowledged him in childhood, so why should he care about them?
  • Cover theme song: Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Title theme
  • Real theme song: Lullaby