


4 years, 10 months ago


Basic Info:


Name (First, Middle, Last): Alester

Gender: M

Age: 18

Race:  Cat kemonomimi Warlock

Date of Birth (MM/D): N/A

Occupation: N/A

Relationship(s): N/A

Personality: N/A

Hobbies: N/A

Likes: N/A

Dislikes: N/A

Family: N/A

Bio: Alester was a young boy growing up in the cruel environment of Ragana. He was also homeless so he roamed the streets of the kingdom. After pondering over what to do what his life, he decided to leave Ragana as anything was better than living there. He would travel to many places, begging for food. Because he was a cat hybrid, it was easy for him to get food and find places to stay temporarily. On his travels, he attracted the attention of many old and wise men. Even though they didn't provide any hospitality, they did provide him with lessons and advice that he would use as he grew up. For years, he continued his homeless lifestyle until people noticed he suddenly disappeared for several years. When Alester resurfaced into the public eye, he was a completely changed person. He had acquired his magic which was attuned to ice yet he was devoid of emotion. Many people mistook his silence as cold and rude so they never stuck around him for too long. He is mostly silent however he will speak. Usually he will speak to give his wisdom to people in need and will help those who also need it. Because of this, people have given him the title of the Mystical Guide. 

Physical Appearance:


Height: -

Weight: -

Skin color: -

Hair color: -

Eye color: -

Markings (Tattoos, scars, etc.): -

Attire (shirt, pants, shoes, etc.): -

Accessories (bags, jewelry, hat, etc.): -


Other Info:


Image: -

RP Type: -

Date of Adoption: 7/31/19

Obtained?: Though custom purchase

Personal Comment: -