


4 years, 8 months ago




Male // 14

Winter Wishwing


Role:Grants favorable weather for the town
Personality:Friendly, excitable, curious
Height: 80 cm
Alignment: Lawful Good


  • Helping people
  • Riding on the fishing boats(And eating fish)
  • Playing in the snow


  • Hot temperatures
  • Seeing people get hurt
  • Not having the power to grant a wish



A small wishwing born from an airport control tower located in an isolated northern town. With air travel being the sole source of supplies like fuel, wood, and other necessities to survive the harsh tundra, the townspeople were always putting their hopes in the tower, praying for good weather. One day their prayers were answered and a fluffy wishwing was born! While weak at first, he does his best to change the course of snowstorms so the supply planes can land safely.

Over time Fuyuki began to live in the small winter town of snowdrop. He enjoys playing in the snow with the children and riding on the fishing boats, helping the adults catch fish. His favorite food is pollock fish.


Fuyuki's arrival was quite a shock for the people of Snowdrop. One day a strong storm had hit the town and the vital supply plane was going to be delayed if it didn't stop in time. The people desperately prayed the snow would end while looking at the air tower. Then in the middle of the white out, the tower was enveloped in a bright light and a small fluffy creature popped out. He walked up the the townspeople and asked them to write their wish on the strips of paper hanging by his waist. Reluctantly they used his long ink tipped tail to wish the storm to pass, and much to their surprise the clouds cleared and the sun came out! Although being his first wish, the young wishwing passed out from exhaustion.

After coming to, the townspeople celebrated and threw a party for the wishwing with the freshly delivered supplies, which came on time thanks to him. Given the name Fuyuki from the events of his conception, he was warmly welcomed into Snowdrop, where he continues to spend his days.

Design Points:

All the accessories are part of his body and are NOT optional. He may be drawn with or without his sailor outfit.

HTML by lowkeywicked