Millie's Comments

hiya im here to write on why id like this character!

first of ive been looking for a basic but unique designed feline for quite some time now and i absolutely adore millies look, the golden teeth are a nice touch! she'd most likely be featured in art with my main fursona Corgette so she wouldn't be forgotten!

thank you for considering <3

Sending over!! 

Oh boy oh boy do I love myself big cat ocs 😍😍 I'd love yo try my hand at a WTA for Millie!

So in general, I love cat ocs and designs, they can be little scribbled blobs to thought out anthros and I get my daily boost of serotonin lol

I couldn't think of a smart way to add this in but my favorite fish aesthetically are koi fish but I also love flashlight fish!

My first and main sona is Exlia, a bobcat who was made for me by a friend who could me into drawing anthro/feral/general and she could use a fellow cat friend! I also love Smilidons, I've done some really draw art studies of their skulls

Thank you so much for your consideration!