Pae || Onia



7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info




Just two twins living on their own little planet where they're taking care of their garden and provide shelter for people that come around. ━━━☆

The Planet:
☆ It is called Cardea, which is in their religion the name of the goddess of nature.
☆ Their planet is described as small, but with a large amount of flowers. You can find every kind of flower that exists on the earth, and even more! There are so many different species that the twins stopped counting them, but you can read about every single one in the books in the library. (Because there are so many it is really hard for the twins to remember how to take care of every single one, so they wrote books about them.)
☆ You can also find animals on the planet! They're very important for the plants, so the twins take good care of them. You mostly find tiny insects like bees, butterflies or earthworms, but also many kinds of birds. Big animals aren't known to live there.
☆ The planet has the same seasons as we have on earth, but they aren't as regular. Most of the time it's summer and spring, and fall and winter only last for two months.
☆ There is only one sea on the whole planet. The twins build their house right next to it so that they can water the plants fast.

The City:
☆ It is called Enera.
☆ Obviously it's a tiny city with only a few inhabitants which mostly have more than one job. It has a library, a café, two shops, a town hall, a post office, a bakery and a hospital and of course some houses. But not many live in the city, they mostly only come here to work. Mostly they live in the nature, surrounded by their own gardens.
☆ Money doesn't exist here, they pay each other with presents or favors.

Pae and Onia
━━━☆ Pae:
She is the pink haired one.
☆ Personality:
Pae is described as a friendly and open minded person. She loves being social and to give others presents, even if they didn't do anything for her. Sometimes it get's a little out of hand and she comes off as annoying because of her always happy and cheerful personality.
She is very adventurous and loves to try new things, but she is that kind of person that can never finish something. In the past she started countless projects only to drop it later and start a new one. Which is a reason why you can't really depend on her because you never know what she'll do.
It is very hard for her to deal with sad situations, so she mostly blocks them off and laughs them away. No one, not even her own sister has ever seen her crying.

━━━☆ Onia:
She is the purple haired one.
Personality: Onia is described as quiet and calm, so she's the perfect opposite of her sister. People tend to think that she is shy or has problems with social situations, but in reality she just doesn't like to talk that much. In her opinion it isn't worth to start a conversation that leads nowhere.
She is hard-working and always tries to finish the projects her sister started, so that people wont get angry at Pae.

Random facts:
Even tho she doesn't seem like it she really enjoys watching anime. Her favorite anime is Love Live. When she's alone she's always practising the dances.