

Iyashi Sokuza
"I'm stronger than I give myself credit for."
Name Iyashi Sokuza
Alias Hax
Birthday July 30th
Age 27
Gender Female
Height 5'4
Hair Sandy Blonde
Eyes Gold
Blood type AB
Quirk Recovery Mode
Occupation Pro-Hero
Affiliation None
Status Alive | Single
Fighting Style Close Range
Quirk Recovery Mode

Recovery Mode is a regeneration quirk that gives Hax immunity to any type of damage as long as she's standing still. Any damage the she sustains while still will be instantly healed. However, Hax still feels the pain of the attacks, and any damage taken outside of recovery mode will not be healed when the quirk takes action.

Blades Hax is very proficient with bladed weapons, and uses her skills in battle.
Laid-Back . Independent . Friendly

Iyashi is a chill and laid back individual who seems pretty content with whatever is going on around her. She's pretty independent and prefers doing things by herself, as evidenced when she tried to convince Koichi Nishiki not to intern with her. It's possible that she isn't very confident in herself, since she describes all of her good moments as "a shot in the dark" and tells Koichi that he shouldn't follow her example.

Likes & Dislikes
  • Blades
  • Ninjas
  • Video Games
  • Collecting things
  • Pumpkins
  • Scars
  • Paperwork
  • Working in groups
  • Her favorite food is grilled chicken skewers.
  • She enjoys collecting things. She collects blades, figurines, games, merch, etc.
  • Her given name, Iyashi, means "Healing" and her surname, Sokuza, means "Instantly"
  • Iyashi attended Seijin Highschool when she was younger.
  • Iyashi is secretly a gaming YouTuber called "Hackshot". She never shows her face on camera, so nobody who watches her videos knows that it's her.
  • Her quirk was based off this gif.
  • She is a big fan of Edgeshot.
  • Icon For Hire - Fight
  • Skillet - Hero
  • Fade - One Reason
  • Shinedown - The Energy

Iyashi Sokuza, also known as the hero Hax, is the No.91 Pro Hero. She does not belong to an agency and rarely works with other heroes. Despite this, she can often be seen at The Blossom agency, most likely due to her friendship with Bladed Blossom.

Hax's hero life is pretty uneventful, but it's worth noting that she's one of the few heroes that fought Stain and lived to tell the tale.

Bladed Blossom | Comrades

Takeshi and Iyashi met when on a Team Up Mission. Despite their shortcomings, they worked pretty well with eachother. They had bit in common and were able to bond during their short time together. Takeshi ended up developing feelings for her.

Koichi Nishiki | Mentor/Mentee

Koichi interned under Hax for the work-study program. She tried to convince him to go elsewhere, but he stuck with her. She warmed up to him and cares about his development.

Stain | ???
