Bladed Blossom



4 years, 5 months ago


Takeshi Haruka
"Blood slowly drips onto the rose's petals."
Name Takeshi Haruka
Alias Bladed Blossom
Birthday April 18th
Age 28
Gender Male (He/Him)
Height 174cm (5'7")
Hair Light Pink, Pink Tips
Eyes Pink
Blood type B-
Quirk Floral Weaponry
Occupation Pro-hero
Affiliation Blossom Agengy
Status Active | Single
Fighting Style Close-Mid Range
    Floral Weaponry Emitter

This Quirk allows Takeshi to transform any flower into a weapon, namely melee ones such as swords. The swords will come out in different types depending on the flower, though the metal is always in the same consistency, no weaker and no stronger. He is also able to do the opposite; turn attacks and weapons into flowers. Though this Quirk is extremely useful for things such as carrying secret weapons and blocking out enemy attacks, its full potential is hindered due to Takeshi's overall clumsy attitude when he doesn't take things seriously.

Super Moves
Floral Finisher Takeshi jumps into the air and summons a sword, dashing into the enemy at a high speed. It often fails as he is unable to predict the target's movement, though when perfectly executed, it is able to easily knock out an enemy.
April Blossom Takeshi lunges a worn-out sword against an enemy, breaking it, where he then transforms the broken pieces into flowers, that proceed to turn into small knives.
Clumsy . Friendly . Talkative

Takeshi often finds himself uninterested or unable to care about what most people talk about when it is not a subject he's not interested in, though he feigns to care or to be listening. But, when he's the one talking about something he's passionate about, he's able to talk until people are annoyed.

Likes & Dislikes
  • Sakura trees
  • Traditional Swords
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • His favorite food is Sushi.
  • He enjoys flower arranging and cross stitching.
  • His given name "Takeshi" means warrior and his surname "Haruka" can mean spring or fragrance.
  • His sidekicks/interns are called "Seeds".
  • TBA - TBA
  • TBA - TBA
  • TBA - TBA
  • TBA - TBA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis placerat tincidunt enim ut fermentum. Praesent eget nulla eu felis eleifend ornare. Integer vel leo ut tellus posuere sollicitudin et id massa. Maecenas eu diam vel est semper tincidunt. Suspendisse ex ipsum, congue eget erat eget, ornare consectetur nisl. Quisque egestas diam quis euismod aliquam. Quisque hendrerit velit libero. Praesent ac pellentesque lorem. Duis egestas eu justo id ornare. Proin sit amet magna id turpis finibus tristique. Proin non convallis enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Morbi dapibus, velit nec facilisis pellentesque, metus odio pretium purus, ac vestibulum velit lacus vel quam. Phasellus et malesuada metus. Vestibulum id tincidunt felis, scelerisque volutpat felis. Nam justo justo, malesuada sit amet odio dapibus, rhoncus aliquam ante. Nullam bibendum sagittis risus, a gravida lacus imperdiet eget. Donec sit amet lobortis justo. Mauris consequat libero sed dolor volutpat, vitae venenatis sem placerat. Pellentesque non risus maximus, sollicitudin purus a, luctus ligula. Sed congue tristique orci vel semper. Etiam faucibus, urna rhoncus congue scelerisque, diam libero vulputate justo, sit amet ultricies nunc odio vel libero. Nullam venenatis augue accumsan rutrum euismod. Donec nisi nisi, volutpat efficitur felis sit amet, ultricies pulvinar ex. Vivamus accumsan porta tempor.

Hax | Comrades

Takeshi and Iyashi met when on a Team Up Mission. Despite their shortcomings, they worked pretty well with eachother. They had bit in common and were able to bond during their short time together. Takeshi ended up developing feelings for her.

Sakurako Ouka | Mentee

Sakurako chose to intern under Takeshi due to their similar quirks. She was excited to learn from him, but after seeing how clumsy and carefree he was, she had second thoughts. He's greatful that she stuck with him, as he likes having someone to teach.

Harune Haruka | Younger Sister

Takeshi loves his little sister! She, however, thinks he's annoying and careless. He knows this, and tries to annoy her as much as possible. It's all out of love, though.