Esther Sperantia (FFXV)



4 years, 10 months ago


Esther Sperantia  



AGE:    30 / 40  (timeskip)

AFFILIATION:  Tenebrae / Niflheim


RACE:    Human

GENDER:    Female

HEIGHT:     164 cm (with heels) 160 cm (without heels)

HAIR COLOR:    Brown-black

EYE COLOR:     Hazel


WEAPONS:  spear


    Loner - she tends to keep to herself

    Precise - She always tries to do things the best way.

    Empatica -  thanks to her power it is difficult for her to remain indifferent to the problems of others.

    Good Manners   (unless she's been drinking, then she loses all kinds of inhibitions and says and does everything that comes to mind. It also becomes more                                  sincere and spontaneous.)

Like: Develop new spells, study and visit the scattered ruins on Eos.  

Dislike: losing control of herself, she hates her power to read the mind.


Early Life:

Daughter of Lilyan Sperantia, a Tenebrae noblewoman in the service of the Fleuret family, Esther never knew her father and her mother rarely told her about it.

Her mother had always traveled a lot because she loved studying past history and collecting information about Eos and its various regions.

Lilyan spent most of the Sperantia family's money on those trips.

Esther is the last descendant of the Sperantia family (she took the surname from her mother).

Along with his family name, Esther also inherited the power to read someone else's mind from his mother, seeing his past and sometimes, very rarely, the future.

When Tenebrae was attacked by Nifleheim, Esther was away from the castle, traveling with her mother.

As soon as the two learned that Tenebrae was burned under the empire's attack, Esther and her mother returned to the aid of Ravus and Lunafreyia.

Upon their arrival in Tenebrae, however, a group of Magitheck soldiers attacked the two.

Lilyan died in an attempt to fight against enemies.

Tearful and frightened Esther then decided to surrender.

The Magitheck soldiers did not listen to his words and for a moment Esther thought she was dying.

But then came the young Ravus, who had already passed over to the Empire and after ordering the soldiers to stop, led Esther to the castle.

Esther then managed to get accepted by the Empire, by chance mentioning hers power.

Growing up Esther becomes for Lunafreyia like a kind of teacher who teaches her everything she knows about Eos.

In the meantime, she also becomes a sort of messenger of the Empire.

Thanks to her knowledge of the places of Eos, she is the right person to perform this role.

Furthermore, she never gave Niflheim reason to doubt her loyalty.

More and more often Esther is then sent to places of war or to various Magitheck bases scattered around Eos to deliver messages.

It is on one of these occasions that she meets Ardyn for the first time.




 Final Fantasy XV:

She meet and join the Noctis group for a short time, during their first visit to Lestallum.

Ardyn asked her to keep them under control for him and guide them to the place where he waits for them and she obeys.

It doesn't seem like something wrong.

She is more and more often at Ardyn's side.


Ten years of darkness:

During the ten years of darkness, Esther always stays by Ardyn's side.

She knows what he's doing is terribly wrong, but she doesn't want to leave him.

She tries in every way to find a remedy to be able to heal him from his curse, while knowing that it is almost impossible to save him.



Ravus Nox Fleuret / Prince Ravus

She have a crush for him, ever since she first met him as a child.

However, Esther also knows that she cannot be with him because of her high prince rank, so she tends to always remain on the sidelines, admiring him from afar, without ever being able to tell him what she feels.

The rare times she happens to talk to him, she becomes self-conscious and insecure and fears that Ravus will be able to guess from her behavior what she feels towards him.

She has the impression of understanding the Prince's feelings very well.

In a sense, she is also as confused as Ravus about Nifleheim and their fight against Insomnia and understands that the prince is willing to do anything to protect his sister Lunafreya.

She refers to him by calling him Prince Ravus.

Esther is two years older than Ravus.

Lady Lunafreya

Esther spends a lot of time with Princess Lunafreya when she has the opportunity and is not traveling to Eos as a messenger.

Many times it is to instruct the princess about the various areas of Eos and the history of their world.

Being older than her, Eshter sees Lunafreya almost like a younger sister.

She respects her and treats her with kindness and concern.

It is instinctive to protect her, although perhaps the most fragile of the two is Esther herself.

Ardyn Izunia / Chancelor Izunia

She finds him interesting and mysterious and she is intrigued by him, by his ways of doing things.

She also likes his way of dressing even if he is quite eccentric, and as he sometimes seems to want to hide behind his hat.

she is sure that the Chancellor of Niflheim is hiding something and this makes it even more attractive to her eyes.

She has a lot of respect for him, because she considers him a much more important character than her, despite Ardyn stubbornly saying the opposite.

When Esther talks to him, she often tends to call him Chancelor Izunia.

She doesn't want to give him too much confidence, perhaps because she realizes that she is increasingly attracted to him.

She is afraid of the feelings she has for Ardyn, because they are much stronger than those she has ever experienced until then.

Her childhood crush on Ravus is nothing in comparison.

Noctis Lucis Caelum / Prince Noctis

Esther meets Noctis for the first time, when Ardyn asks her to follow the prince and his group of friends to Lestallum.

She is always kind to him, and respect him, despite she is from the side of Niflheim.

She always calls him Prince Noctis.

Gladiolus Amicitia / Gladiolus , Gladio

For Gladio, Esther is just a passing woman in their group.

Never mind that she is part of Niflheim.

As long as she behaves well and does not create problems, it is indifferent to Gladio whether he follows them or not.

Ignis Scientia / Ignis

Ignis does not see Eshter favorably and suspects her.

When he finds out that Esther is often at Ardyn's side, he starts looking at her even more suspiciously.

However, he does not consider her dangerous, but only a pawn in the hands of the Chancellor and Niflheim.

Prompto Argentum / Prompto

Prompo is the one who trusts Esther most.

He also finds her very pretty, even if a little disturbing, especially when she sometimes closes in on herself and stops talking.

Prompto is also the first of the Noctis group to notice that Esther always tries to avoid contact with people. (because of her seer power, she must not touch anyone with her bare hands or she risks reading the memories of who she touches).

He also senses that Esther is slowly but surely falling in love with Ardyn.


Esther: means "star"

Sperantia: Latin form of ESPERANZA. "Hope".


- When her power is active, Esther's hazel eyes become clear as ice and without pupil. She does not like the color they take, too cold and apparently empty, and tries in every way to never be seen like this.

- Esther almost always wears a pair of round mirror sunglasses. (also to hide her eyes when her power is active and they turn white).

- In Esther's clothes there are the same colors that appear in Ravus' clothes: black, white and purple. Another demonstration of the affection she feel for the Prince.

- Esther almost always wears heels, to look a little taller. They are not comfortable but ...

- The Speratia family has always been linked to that of Fleuret. In fact, Esther's mother was the personal counselor and seer of Queen Sylva, mother of Ravus and Lunafreyia.