Theria Carvalla



4 years, 8 months ago


Theria Carvalla
Name: Theria C'rryn Carvalla
Alias: Madame Mawhands
Age: 19
D.O.B: April 3
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Orientation: Demisexual/Biromantic*
Martial Status:  

Sloppy ☆☆☆ Neat
Introverted ♦♦♦☆ Extroverted
Lazy ♦♦♦♦ Active
Serious ♦♦☆☆ Playful
Mean ♦♦☆☆ Nice

Physical Strength ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦☆☆
Ability Strength ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Offence ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 
Defence ♦♦♦♦☆☆☆☆
Speed ♦♦☆☆☆☆☆☆
Agility ♦♦♦☆☆☆☆☆☆
Stamina ♦♦♦♦♦♦☆☆☆
Intelligence ♦♦♦☆☆☆☆☆☆

❥ Gryfforge Armor
❥ Double Blades
❥ Heartred Cape

Character Gallery

Team Formation:
Name: -
Affiliation: -
Position: -
Role: -
Emblem: -
Element: -

 Layout by Oliviine
Inspired layouts from Wicked and Jayden
  B a c k s t o r y
As a toddler, Theria was abandoned by her birth parents, but had little to no recollection of the event. She eventually somehow found her way inside the walls of the Elvoire kingdom, after sneaking past the sleeping guards to trespass. Later that night, as a working couple were cleaning out the public marketplace, they eventually found young Theria rummaging through a crate of meat. The baffled couple agreed to take her in while they searched for her biological parents, but they were nowhere to be found. After about a month of asking around with no luck, the couple reluctantly agreed to adopt and raise her as one of their own in the hopes of reuniting her original guardians.

When Theria began to develop and exhibit her ability to move her body mass, her frightened parents immediately brought her to a priest, who then referred her to the King and Queen. Knowing her species' ability to manipulate flesh and bone to their liking, the royal couple saw great potential in Theria and decided to train her for the next three years of her life until she was sent off to the royal army at the age of twelve. Theria was deployed into combat at fourteen after an attack was waged on Elvoire by a neighboring kingdom that sought for expansion. 

Theria proved herself to be an extremely effective fighter in combat and was praised for leading Elvoire's army to victory. After returning home, though not without her mental and physical injuries, she was showered with rewards by the royal couple. Her proficiency in combat earned her a high rank in the knights' hierarchy as well as popularity and recognition in her home kingdom.

  C i v i l  S t a t u s H e a l t h  S t a t u s
Nationality: Elvoran
Residential History: 
Wandered off into the walls of Elvoire as a toddler, but was later adopted by a childless couple after they could not locate her birth parents.
Current Residence: 
Kingdom of Elvoire
Criminal Record: 
May or may not have committed a war crime or two...
Highly respected and commended universally in her home kingdom. Extremely popular among Elvoire citizens.

Education: Theology, general schooling; was later pulled from education to train in fighting academy.
High Knight
Physical Disabilities/ Disorders/ Ect: N/A
Mental Disabilities/ Disorders/ Ect: 
PTSD (from fighting; however, she believes her symptoms are typical for a knight.)
Health History: 
Blood Type: 

  P e r s o n a l i t y
Theria is strong-willed and self-directed. She is fierce, friendly, and very outspoken, and tends to be a bit of a showboat. She loves company and fun, but will clam up when faced with a strange situation or surrounded by strangers. She is especially wary of animal-kin, but this is simply an unfortunate byproduct of her kingdom's culture.

Quirks and Habits
♦ Tends to be cocky, mainly as a result of her success.

  L i k e s  D i s l i k e s  D r e a m s   F e a r s 
♦ Meat
♦ Showing off
♦ Drinking
♦ Vegan diets
♦ Necromancy
♦ Taking a day off

♦ Being outclassed
♦ Dying without honor
♦ Losing herself

  G e n e r a l  B a s i c
Species: Fleshbender
6'0" (1.8 meters)
230 lb.
Skin Tone: - Olive
Hair/Fur Colour: - 
Eye Colour: - 
Scars: - 
Plenty of battle scars all over her body.
Marks: - 
Plenty of stretch marks, too, particularly on her waist and shoulders.

  B a s i c   A b i l i t i e s  M a g i c  A b i l i t i e s  ☆  W e a p o n r y
Talents/Skills: - Extremely skilled fighter. She excels most in close, hand-to-hand combat.
Showing off, training, jogging, gathering

Snaphand - Allows Theria's hand to increase up to 30x its original size. The fingers are turned into teeth. The hand allows her to lick, bite, or even eat opponents. Requires bodily mass from opposite arm to be used.
Abdominal Jaws - 
Forms a mouth on the abdomen, ideal for deflecting or countering certain attacks.
Dragon tail - 
Sprouts a large tail eight feet in length and covered in eyes from the small of Theria's back. It can be used for performing sweeping attacks, deflecting, or for intimidation.
Extendable Mandible - 
Increases bite force and allows the jaw to open unnaturally widely. 

 ☆ Fleshbending - Allows Theria to manipulate her body mass (teeth, muscle etc.) to forge biological weapons using only her body. Includes but is not limited to abilities listed on the left. 
Double Blades - 
Curved swords adorned with ribbons. Used for hacking and slashing. Ideal for close combat or when shapeshifting is not possible.

  S t r e n g t h s W e a k n e s s e s
♦ "Shapeshifting" ability that allows her to move body mass wherever she wants. Absolutely essential for combat.
♦ Extremely athletic and physically strong.
♦ Tends to overwork herself.
♦ Stubborn.
♦ Clams up in unfamiliar situations.

  T r i v i a  /  V o i c e c l a i m Q u o t e s
Voiceclaim: - Lucina (Laura Bailey) [Fire Emblem]
♦ Theria & her species are carnivorous. She cannot eat too many vegetables and eats mostly meat.
♦ Favorite food is honeyed ham.
♦ Theria is bicurious.
  C r e a t i o n  N o t e s  P l a y l i s t 
♦ Track