Calder's Comments

Ffffuck I love this bb

Name: August

Personality: August is usually quite worried, but he does his best to try and hide it. Always attempting to act tough, he truly wishes to simply have a friend who will protect him. He feels lonely often, and his habit of hiding doesn’t help this.


Originally born in the days of old, when pirates where still around, August joined a ragtag group of pirates. Why did he do this? For a simple reason that many did- he happened to have a crush on one of the crew members. One of the male ones. Now, this wasn’t very accepted in his time, but pirates often became what they were because of it. However, the downside to that was that he started out small- a simple boy who cleaned the ship. One day, a much larger vessel took hold of the ship in a battle. Being a mere deck-swabber he had no weapons. So, he hid. After the rest of his crew were defeated, he looked out from his hiding spot- only to see his beloved slain by the rival captain. Screaming out in pain, August was found. However, the captain had no use for him. So, he was used as sharkbait. His legs were tied to a heavy stone, and he was tossed into the water. Not much longer after the ship was sunk as well.

Years and years later, August awoke once more. Except, he no longer had legs. He was no longer drowning. His pained death at sea had caused him to be reborn as merfolk- his unusual ‘birth’ as such represented in his odd tail. To this day he takes residence in his old ship, and destroys any ships that pass by in spiteful rage.

Name: Auggie

Personality: Rash, Blunt, Mysterious, adventurous, loves adrenaline

Auggie comes from a special line of merfolk who are able to possess great strength and command over the ocean. Because of this, Auggie thinks that everyone wants to be his friend or be with him romantically so he pushes everyone away. He enjoys doing crazy stunts like swimming near where people can easily see him or trying to lure them into the ocean. He also is quite hot headed and tends to argue with pretty much everyone. He is also in line for the throne for the kingdom 

He feels lonely most of the time which is why he tends to be rash and more defensive lately.