
4 years, 9 months ago



Name: Oath
Called: Third
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
residence: Ye Shire; Torimori Dimension
SPECIES: Torimori
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Status: Living


Ears - None

Head - Crystal Horns (Crystal +Ancient)

Neck - None

Breast - Ccales (Ancient)

Body - None

Wings - Crystal Dragon wings (Crystal + Ancient) + Light membranes (Light)

Legs - crystal legs

Tail - crystal flower



  • Control
  • Causing needless suffering, especially when doing so with his mate
  • Being an edgy moustache-twirling villain


  • Anything that even so much as dare to look at his mate wrong
  • Being denied the things he wants/demands



Third is cruel, selfish, and greedy. He sees himself as superior to a great deal of creatures and is extremely difficult to please. He is the type that can find fault in just about anything, even to the point of hypocrisy. He demands the absolute best, but fully intends that the “best” will be an impossible feat for anyone but himself. Something he does just to allow himself excuses to hurt an innocent soul.

By chance that he does happen to catch notice of something that he wants, his attitude can take a drastic 180 to appear as the most considerate and sweetest being around. This facade will, of course, only last until he gets what he wants then immediately return to that cruel and selfish nature of his.

The only true thing he is kind to would be his mate, whom he loves with every ounce of his being. He is dedicated to her fully and will gladly go to the ends of the world if it would please her. He wants nothing more than to be by her side to rule over “lesser” beings.



Skill One

The best skill he possesses. He will shamelessly lie, and act any role needed for the things he desires. Or even just for fun. One of his favorite games is to see how far he can break someone’s psyche. 

Skill Two

Sometimes one has to be patient to get what they want, and Third has definitely honed his skill in this. When he wants something, he will definitely settle in for the long haul; especially if he deems it worthy enough.

Skill Three

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod.

Skill Four

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod.

Skill FIVE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod.


He strives to gain power over anything he deems to be inferior, or anyone who he feels has wronged him. To strike fear and rule over others lives is his greatest desire in life. And he wishes to do so alongside his love, Vivi.


Born and grew up in a tree kingdom by the name of Ye Shire. His family was not a very wealthy one. In his youth, he befriended a Tori named Tart. The two were extremely close, and Oath figured they’d be friends their whole lives. However, this was not to be.

As he grew older, his family pushed him to take on the family business and become a blacksmith. He did not want this, he wanted something more. Work like that he considered to be beneath him. Though his family pressured him enough into at least becoming an apprentice blacksmith. He was extremely unhappy about it.

Meanwhile his friendship with Tart began to become strained. Oath’s personality was darkening. Quickly. No longer was he the innocent and sweet child that he once was. He grew egotistical and demanding. Then when his best friend began to distance, he grew agitated and possessive.

In his mind, Oath believed there was no reason why Tart would want to “abandon” him. And when Tart eventually cut ties, Oath became enraged and obsessive. He refused to continue going to the family blacksmith and spent more and more time trying to “win” Tart back.

Things only got worse when he discovered Tart had a new friend now, and essentially took this as having been replaced. He hated Divinity for this, she was now the most vile creature to him. And he swore to himself that he would dethrone her and take back what was oh-so-clearly his. 

In time, he managed to worm his way back into Tart’s life. Soon followed by taking control of it. He very much felt that he had won and reclaimed what was rightfully his. Even going so far as to convince Tart to be his boyfriend. For this time, Oath felt like everything was as it should be, and was content.

Then that horrid insect took it all away and more. Divinity destroyed his life at that point, she took Tart away and her vile, royal highness banished Oath from Ye Shire.

She had no idea what she had done. Not at all. Oath made it his life’s goal to make her pay and take all that is hers for himself. He believed that she doesn’t deserve to be the ruler of Ye Shire.

As the years go on, he traveled from place to place. Learning all he could of anything that could help him in making Divinity’s rule crumble. As well as feeding his selfish greed along the way.

He happened to learn of a place where a flock that held many riches resides. With selfish desire, he intended to take what they had, only to find something else.. or rather, someone.

He met a Tori by the name of Vivi. Their first interaction was quite awkward and uncomfortable to him, but he pushed through it as his desire for this flock’s riches far outweighed his comfort. The plan was to convince this assumed naive girl to help him get the treasures of the flock, but the longer he interacted with her, the more he realized that she isn’t what he thought.

He began to notice things about her that were off. Usually an odd flash of something sinister. Instead of being turned away, he found himself intrigued, wanting to see more of her. It wasn’t long before he’d completely forgotten what his original intent for the flock was, and he was following her through the days.

No longer did he want the treasure, but now he wanted her. Unknown to him at the time, she wanted him as well. Such a pretty gem as he needs to be kept in a treasury of course. The two of them chased after each other with selfish, possessive desires.

And then the day came where Oath realized his desire was not the one which he had started with. But rather, he had fallen in love with her. This feeling was very new to him, but he very much embraced it. In turn, she had fallen for him as well.

The two formed their bond of love, and somewhere down the line had a baby. A little girl who they named Kami. With this new little family, Oath had temporarily put his revenge seeking on pause to dote on his daughter and mate.

He wanted to give the world to them… and eventually did come back to the mindset of ruining Divinity. He spoke to Vivi of his plans and she happily and eagerly jumped on board with that, and that’s all it took. The two, determined to make Ye Shire fall, were successful in their endeavor.

Oath and Vivi took their place at the new rulers, and as for their precious little baby girl, all of Ye Shire became her playground.


Fact 1
He tore out all his teeth and replaced them with Golden chompers
Fact 2
Crystal fruit on his tail is edible, but do not recommend attempting
Fact 3
Fact 4


Quote 1

Quote 2
Quote 3
Quote 4



[ Mate ]

The absolute love of his life, she is just as despicable as he is, and he absolutely adores that about her. He always finds himself impressed in new ways with her creative cruelty. Truly, a match made in hell.


[ Nemesis ]

The little shit that took his precious Tart away from him. While he was once wary of her, he now is proud to have her as his prisoner, and very determined to keep her as nothing more than some fancy trinket. 


[ Ex ]

Once friends from childhood, turned to partners. Third cared about Tart in a way that was a little too possessive. Of course, Third never saw fault in it, but Tart did... and then had the gall to cut ties?! How dare he...

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