


4 years, 9 months ago



Name Butterscotch
Called Monster
Age Young Adult
Gender Male
Race Hallowed Imp | Demon | Geist
Role Nail Artist
Zodiac Mirror

Butterscotch's bubbly and playful nature earns him quick friends, and he's always had a flair for the dramatic. His constant desire to seek new validation and be beloved makes Butterscotch incredibly flippant - he struggles to commit to a favourite drink, let alone a relationship. If all one wants is a fun friend to take to bars, however, the upbeat imp is perfect. It's essential he charms the other patrons of bars and clubs - especially the more wealthy - as his complete lack of stable work leaves him with little spending money. When he's not hanging around a bar, he's working the occasional shift as a nail artist, although the manager only seems to keep the unreliable employee around for his personality.


  • Pretty Clothes
  • Sweet Alcohol
  • Attention


  • Responsibility
  • Politics
  • Competition


Butterscotch grew up in an abusive household. His parents were constantly telling him he was worthless and always would be - his mutations would stop him from being loved or successful. For many years, Butterscotch held these beliefs close to his heart, knowing his parents were near-saints for allowing him to stay with them. Starved for love, the young mutant did anything he could to obtain it. Despite his dark home, he appeared energetic and fun-loving, finally attracting the attention he craved. It wasn't until his later years at the Academy that his boyfriend at the time pointed out how abusive his parents were, and how they had twisted him into an attention-obssessed monster. He left his boyfriend - the only kind one he'd end up having - for forcing him to endure some introspection, but it prompted him to leave his home and stay at the Academy. He never saw his parents again.

A Monster's Here

Butterscotch ended up having a slew of toxic exes during his youth. They rarely lasted more than a few months, but his flippant and cutesy personality attracted the worst kind of people. He had no career to pursue nor dreams to follow - the only thing Butterscotch craved was love and attention. He found himself frequenting dingy bars and clubs, flirting with wealthy patrons to get a few drinks. He loves the dancefloor and the dark corners, never lacking some sort of company. Unfortunately, he still needs to pay the bills of his run-down, dank apartment, so he took up part-time work as a nail artist. Naturally, he only shows up for a handful of his shifts but luckily, his boss doesn't seem to mind - his infectious giggle and dramatic gossiping is a hit amongst customers.



Atza [ Friend ]

Atza works at the same nail bar Butterscotch does, and he found himself immediately interested in the edgy youth. He loves hearing any new gossip Atza has, although he's avoided talking to her about her darker interests. Butterscotch has managed to drag Atza to his favourite bars a handful of times and he loves watching her confidence in action.

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