Orange Pearl



4 years, 9 months ago


Orange Pearl



Gem Placement

Lower Neck

Era Made

Era 1





MoHs Scale



$10 (w/ Diamond)

The wonderful and loyal pearl to the sophisticated Orange Diamond. Often aiding her diamond in planning all the different events she hosts. Her relationship with her diamond is a close one, being the one to calm and comfort her diamond on rough days. She is skilled in many things, not limited to but including documentation, stenographing, event management and so much more. Naturally being the pearl to the diamond of entertainment, she has a beautiful singing voice and is trained in eloquent dancing. That isn’t all, she is quite flexible, able to perform all kinds of gymnastics and hopefully entertain her diamond and the masses, much like a Spinel. Within court trials she tends to act as the one who records all the presiding information, a stenographer in short. She both stores and organizes all the case files and often recites them back to her diamond and zircons. For a pearl, she is a fairly public figure, and a gem a lot of Orange Diamond’s court members will come to for all sorts of things. Unlike her diamond, she is a lot more peppy and talkative. She often takes the place of her diamond when it comes to things like mass speeches, especially at big events. Her diamond often just acts as a figurehead while she does most of the real work, not to say her diamond doesn’t do anything. The pair both work hard and keep the court of Orange Diamond running smoothly.

I promised, I promised her I'd bring light to her life. Have I failed yet? No.

- Orange Pearl

The Sunrise Court


  • Being such a public figure, she's highly respected even as a pearl.
  • She was a gift to Orange from Sunset during the unveiling of the Empire's third colony.
  • With her diamond’s limited number of colonies under her command, Orange doesn’t do a lot of work in that area.
  • Out of all the diamond's pearls, she's the most beloved by the Empire.